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Geagist- Summer

Events that occured within the city during the Geagist months in Taergoria. All events take place during the year 20AU, twenty years after the undead plague started.

  • Start of Geagist
    Geological / environmental event

    Start of Geagist /Summer

  • Elf District Withers
    once lush district withering away
    Disaster / Destruction

    Over a series of days, the elf district appears to be suffering from some sort of illness making the foliage and magic die off slowly. Trees began to change color and foliage of all kinds quickly wither and die causing concern among the citizens of the district.

  • Root of the problem
    Elf leader holds public conference

    Elf leader, High Counclier Vulwin, holds public announcements to explain the situation and recruit anyone who might be interested in going below the district to find the root of the problem with the magical crystal that provides the city's magic sources.

  • Elf District Call to Arms Event
    Call to Arms
    Geological / environmental event

    Heroes travel under the district to find the source and return triumphant. Rumors of what exactly caused the lack of magic spread like wildfire in the taverns, only those involved know exactly what happened.

  • Regrowth
    Magic returns, elf district regrows
    Political event

    Elf district magic returned, and the forest-like district quickly revived thanks to mages under the employment of the city.

  • Cockatrice in the cats claw
    Scaled beast attacks
    Disaster / Destruction

    Scaled creature destroys Cats Claw tavern! Local Heroes stop the creatures' rampage before it can spill into the streets. Cat's Claw is closed for repairs. City officals begin the search for the owner of the mysterious beasts egg.

  • Undead horde spotted
    Travel Unsafe
    Criminal Activity

    Noticed posted for travelers, paths unsafe due to roaming horde of undead. Do not engage. Food supply routes are postponed until an alternate route is found or the horde relocates.

  • Cats Claw Reopens
    Tavern reopens
    Financial Event

    Popular tavern The Cats Claw is able to complete repairs quickly due to aid from city mages and personal friends. Taking advantage of the rebuilding the owners improved a few things and is now taking in patrons.

  • Dwarf Call to Arms
    Dwarves Break Silence
    Military action

    After months of silence from the dwarves, a call to arms is posted. No reward was offered directly but the promise of killing plenty of undead would be posted to each bounty board in the city. The horde found a way through the catacombs, heroes needed to push them back out!

  • Undead breach avoided
    Undead enter city underbelly
    Plague / Epidemic

    The undead horde previously spotted outside of the city somehow finds its way into the catacomes leading to the city underbelly. The dwarf district call to arms resulted in finding the source of the undeads entrance into the district. Heroes are successful at pushing back the undead, exact casualty numbers are unknown but it is said two master crafters of the district parished while sealing the tunnel the undead entered from.

  • Dire bear disturbs caravans
    Dire Bear Hunt

    Caravans and guilds members traveling in the forest commons report a dire bear on the loose. With food supplies being low the attacks on the supply caravans from Turra could not be allowed. The Scouts Corp is assigned to gathering a party and hunting the creature in hopes of scaring it deeper into the forest or killing it if necessary.

  • Dire Bear - Event
    Dire bear turns out to be drakes
    Geological / environmental event

    The Scouts Corp divides into two groups in order to find the dire bear. While separated one group encounters feral scouting parties and the other is seemingly wiped out with no contact. Rumors of a dragon encounter spread like wildfire due to a lone hunter that returned frantic to tell of the events. A local hero is suspected to be the only survivor, city leaders send out an investigative convoy.

  • Forest Commons still unsafe
    Turra Paths Unsafe

    Travelers and guild members within the forest commons report strange noises even after the dire bear was taken care of, traveling proving more dangerous due to unknown risks.

  • End of Geagist
    Geological / environmental event

    End of Geagist/ Summer