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Iertu -Spring

Events that occured within the city during the Iertu months in Taergoria. All events take place during the year 20AU, twenty years after the undead plague started.

  • Start of Iertu
    Geological / environmental event

    Start of Spring / Iertu

    Suspected necromancer thought to be hiding in the elf district
    Criminal Activity

    Strange disappearances make city officials suspect a rogue mage within the elf district. Until the suspect is caught the district must follow a strict curfew.

  • Curfew Lifted
    Elf District Curfew Lifted
    Criminal Activity

    Elf district curfew is lifted, suspect captured by a local hero

  • City wide recruitment event
    Turra Recruitment
    Diplomatic action

    City leaders decide after ten years it is time to try and take back territory from the undead. A city-wide recruitment event takes place and all to sign up undergo mandatory week-long training.

  • Turra Reclaimed
    Turra Reclaiming Event
    Population Migration / Travel

    City caravan attempts to take back a farming village 4 days ride from the city on the other side of the forest commons. Sadly the caravan was nearly wiped out before it reached Turra and it was assumed a failure. Nearly two weeks later the reports came the village was successfully taken, the city then began to take volunteers to move out to the new site and start rebuilding.

  • Festival of Fates Announced
    Gypsy caravan invited into city
    Life, Organisation Association

    News of the necromancer's escape and the death of one of the human districts' high-ranked officers spread through the streets. However, it is quickly drowned out by the news that the food shortage would soon end thanks to the use of a few of the cities life mages aiding in advancing the first few crops of the season. To help fully distract the citizens from the gloom result of their attempt to expand the human Queen invited a trope of traveling gypsies for entertainment. The event will take place over five days.

  • Bounty Board Post
    Missing Saddle Bag - Reward
    Military action

    A bounty is posted in every district, reward offered for return of lost saddlebag and contents.

  • City Manhunt
    Murder loose in the city
    Criminal Activity

    Bodies of all race types have been found mutalated and devoid of blood. City-wide manhunt for a serial murderer while guard presence is increased. Whispers the culprit is a vampire fill the taverns.

  • Lighthouse Relighting
    Scout Corp sent to relight lighthouse
    Discovery, Exploration

    City leaders send a scouts mission to the lighthouse not far from the city in hopes of relighting its magical source of light. The mission proves to be a success and rumors about rebuilding the coastal town next start to spread through the streets.

  • Manhunt Ended
    Crazed Widow
    Diplomatic action

    City officials post notices that the manhunt is over and the murder was found and executed. While there were no eyewitnesses to the capture rumors of them being a vampire remains strong. City officials still implore that it was the actions of a deranged widow.

  • Supply Delivery 1
    Supplies arrive easing hunger pains
    Diplomatic action

    Citizens get a mild reprieve from food shortage as the first shipment of supplies from Tura arrives. City leaders pass out extra rations to "slum" areas to try and prevent violence and illness until the next shipment.

  • End of Iertu
    Geological / environmental event

    End of Iertu / Spring