BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Alone Among the Stars: Journey of Travallha

A war-worn quartermaster, who fought and led brave beings in the slave wars of In-Har, finally saves enough to buy a one pilot starship. He now lives his long-life dream of exploring the stars in the hopes of finding something more beautiful and less bloody. By setting out in the newly acquired starship, named Annoc, Travallha jumps into hyperdrive to explore a lesser-known star system called Zao.

Star System: Zao

Planet: Murcithe

Day 3:

It didn’t take long, after I entered the star system, to find a planet. I wasn’t sure of it’s name or even what I would find I hoped it was something more than the bloodshed grounds of my home world. So I landed, explored the dry, arid rocks hoping to find something worth while. After my third day though I was starting to lose hope. Had I mistaken this uneven sphere, and landed on an abnormally large asteroid? Perhaps. Or maybe wandering the plains in the heated starlight days had melted my ability to think. But just as I was about to give up and turn around, I saw something. nothing big, just a small flower. Alone but standing proudly on the other side of a child canyon. If I had thought about I could have gone back to the ship and flown across. But in my excitement of seeing something living not on my own world, I got carried away and tried to jump the shortest distance between the edges of the ground tear. My legs aren’t what they use to be though, and I didn’t make the jump. Luckily I am a quick thinker, and have a little knowledge from that spell book I found in one of the burnt camps. Using a spell called Feather fall, I was able to safely land at the bottom with little hurting. When I started to look around at the wall of the canyon I did notice something I hadn’t above. The walls of this rocky ravine had entrances. Structures, almost as if buildings were carved into the walls. Had I found new life? Or an old forgotten place? I was sure to find out more.  

Day 4:

It was incredible, to see an old and ancient society. Or at least the remains of one. The doors were completely different, walls were engraved with patterns and textures. Using my spell of dancing lights I found abandoned furniture and paintings in the homes of these once beings. But I could not find any indication of why they were gone. No bodies or graves to be seen. I would have loved to explore more but my supplies were running low. I knew that if I did not get back to the ship soon I would be in more trouble than its worth. What is worse, is that I could not find any clear way to escape the town. That was until, the moon peeked from behind an floating cloud to reveal a very old and unsecure staircase. Leading back to where I had come from. I had no choice but to climb the stairs or missing steps and loose boulders waiting to fall. This time I took my decision with a bit more thought and slowly made my way up. It isn’t the most dangerous thing I have ever done but on my own, but it wasn’t an easy walk either. Eventually I was successful and made it back to the ship. Wondering who was living down there? Why did they leave? And where did they go? I thought of going back out tomorrow. But I have a strange feeling that there is more to see in this galaxy than history in stone. I have the co-ordinates incase curiosity gets the better of me, but until then. There is more to see.

Planet: Moon of Sadin

Day 9:

Whilst I was buying my ship off Croven on In-Har, he warned me of the many dangers travelling alone in space and uncharted star systems. But he never told me of any of the good I could find. Today I found one of those beauties, from the observatory I saw a purple hazed moon eclipsing the Zao star. And it was incredible, truly something worth dying for. As I stood there, watching this phenomenon, I knew I had to explore this moon to see if it held beauty on its surface as well as its atmosphere.  

Day 11:

The moon surface was not what I expected, it was a desert but not of ice or sand. But instead a swamp plain. Very few trees or life protruding out of the ground of the cyan muds. Only thing of real notice was a blur in the distance. So I took the ship closer to have a look. And what I found was a giant tree, home to skinless mammals swinging and climbing on the branches, the trunk and treetop. As I approached closer, the little creatures seemed to be curious about me as much as I was about them. So I got up and personal, finding friendly 4 fingered things who enjoy the fruits of the tree and belly rubs.  

Day 14:

I have been watching these creatures for the past few days, watching them come and go carrying fruit and sticks. I followed them, hoping to find a hive of many more wonderful animals. But instead, I found a battleground. Or at least the remains of one. Something I grew accustomed to during my time in the war. Seeing the graves dug out, an eerie silence. Even the skinless sensed it for when they got close they would quiet down. Almost to a whisper. And what they did whilst on the battleground was offering the fruit an sticks to graves of the fallen. Maybe their masters? Maybe their ancestors. I do not know, and I could not bare it for long. It brought too many bad memories to mind and a tear to my eyes. So I returned to the ship and pray to my fallen friends. My family.  

Day 16:

I explored in the ship a little more but found nothing on the surface besides more skinless homes and lonely trees. I thought it was best to leave and find one of the few known locations in this system to refuel. A satellite station Cindar VQ.

Planet: Lloevii

Day 22:

: I’ve been stuck on this bloody stupid planet for the past 2 days. All because my navigation was wrong and I went towards the star. Now I’ve been hit by an un detected piece of debris and had to crash land on this fire planet. Where not only have I got damage to the wing but the underside panels have been melted and need fixing. I better find someone on this planet worth talking to otherwise I’m gonna be trapped here for a very long time.  

Day 26:

This planet seems to be testing my patience. I tried searching around the bottom of the volcano and all I found was pulsating veins of fire which burnt my leg. Nearly got boiled alive by the steam geysers and broke a few tools fixing this stupid ship. The only good thing to come out f this is the fact I finally found signs of intelligent life. A child with scales was running around the waters until it saw me. At which point it ran home and led me to a village of rocks. It even had a sign which I translated using a little spell I that translates written text. Llan-Fayy it was called. Tomorrow I will enter the village and try to befriend them, I pray they can help me.  

Day 27:

The people of Llan-Fayy seem wary of me, and rightly so. I guess I am a stranger in their lands and I suddenly asking for help. Of course, it is more difficult when I can only communicate with written word and I don’t think my quick translations are working the best. Still, they have agreed to help me gather supplies but in return I need to help find someone missing from the village? It sounds simple enough but, I don’t know why. That sort of request and the reactions of these people do not seem realistic. I will keep my guard up tomorrow just in case, but like that soldier helped me in the war. I can only return the favour now.  

Day 30:

I’m too old for this kind of shit. I have finally made it back to the ship, who seems to be in even more of a state than when I left it. After spending 3 days being mis-led and used as a living sacrifice to the creature who lives inside the volcano. Which isn’t a volcano at all. But in fact a giant crater. With a molten breathing giant chained inside! Surrounded, surrounded by a field of those stupid fire vine things! There was no missing being. Those scaled bastards lied to me. ME! Probably ransacking my ship in the process. BASTARDS!!


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