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Loner - Blood Tracks

Here is the gameplay from one of my runs of the ruleset; Loner, Another Solo RPG 2nd Edition. Where the premise is focused on storytelling that could almost play out as a movie. Please enjoy the notes taken throughout the gameplay.   After receiving a distress signal from a fellow pilot, Edgar Vertan takes himself off his course in the time stream and lands in the Wild West to find out who called out into the abyss. Upon landing nearby, there is plume of smoke in the distance and a foul smell spreading across the land.

Scene 1: Investigations

  • Edgar slowly approaches the smoke. As he gets closer, the sound of steady fire becomes clearer
  • As he steps round the corner of a large boulder, his face is filled with horror to find a crashed time ship. Ruined and in complete wreckage
  • His training kicks in and overtakes him, frantically looking for the pilot or any other signs of life among the debris
  • As he pulls off a sheet of scrap metal, he unveils a shrivelled corpse missing both its arms and sunken sockets where eyes should be
  • Edgar can only throw up in disgust at what he has witnessed. Taking a minute to step back and calm himself down
  • As he is heavy breathing, spitting out the last globules of puke, his eye catches a flashing red light from the ship's main console (at least what remains of it)
  • He pulls himself together and walks heavy over to activate the button, an audio message recorded by the pilot
  • It speaks out with static radio in the background and cracks in the message glitching around random words
  • The deceased pilot talks about Subject 62 escaping its holding cell. Requesting backup. Emergency landing protocols. Has message for his wife and daughter. The audio cuts out
  • Moves on to another audio recording, hear the panic in the pilot's voice. Crying out for help, shouting at the top of his lungs random facts. The subject lusts for blood before cutting out once more
  • The recording leaves Edgar looking over his shoulder, with the feeling of something stuck in his throat
  • He attempts to give the pilot a burial, but can't get close to the body without feeling sick
  • Feels like his best idea is return to his own ship and warn the time authority and grab his anomaly compass (device that detects when history goes off track)
  • As he walks back into the darkness of the desert, he gets a tingle on the back of his neck as if something is watching him
  • But with all his fears, he braves the darkness and returns to his ship
*Twist Counter = 0  

Scene 2: Meanwhile

  • Bandits drink and laugh sat around the fire, leader of the group Black Roach idly sat in his tent
  • Questioning the local farmer, wants to know the time of the train out of town
  • Out of fear, the farmer gives up the information he knows, early dawn he thinks. Also gives the name fo the conductor
  • Black Roach thanks him for his services, before stabbing him in the stomach and watching him slump to the ground
  • He drags the body out of the tent and throws it in front of the bandits to grab their attention
  • Everyone goes silent, waiting to hear Black Roach, who carefully lays out the plan on how they plan to take this train
  • At the crack of dawn, the train sets off, they have until the train reaches the tunnel to get onto the train and take control
  • If anyone refuses to join him, offered to speak up now, youngest lad of the group weakly raises his hand
  • Simply wants to go home, tries to grab his horse and leave
  • Roach pulls out his gun, pointing at the kid, before reconsidering, warns the kid about ratting them out
  • The kid understands an agrees to keep it a secret, before simply leaving into the night
  • Rest of the bandits stay seated, told to prepare for the heist, this time tomorrow they'll be rich in oil
  • Kid rides back to town in the dark, hears something in the distant
  • The noise quickly gets closer and closer, sounds like running, panting almost, kid unable to see anything
  • Gallops faster into the darkness, but horse is startled, thrown kid into dust and riding away
  • Kid gets scared and starts looking around, eyes darting for anything to focus on, shaking with a gun in hand
  • Randomly starts shooting hoping to hit whatever it is, runs out of bullets
  • Turns around and sees something, screams in terror as he is ripped apart, bleeding out on the floor all alone
*Twist Counter = 0  

Scene 3: The Hunt Begins

  • Edgar returns to his ship, finds anomaly tracker
  • Begins researching the time period, reads about a train heist taking place in the morning
  • Powers up fabricator, dresses for the occasion
  • Looks up files of Subject 62, but finds nothing he doesn't already know
  • Just before leaving, gets a message from time authority, his bosses
  • Requesting location of crashed ship, Edgar informs them of escaped subject ad death of pilot
  • Told to track down the subject immediately, wait for backup to contain and avoid creating any paradoxes
  • Edgar understands and signs off the call, heads out into the desert with the sun ready to break the horizon
  • Whips out the tracker and notices it beeping, follows the tracker to a set of train tracks leading towards the nearby town
*Twist Counter = 0  

Scene 4: The Station

  • Black Roach is waiting on the horizon, sees the train loading on the outskirts of town
  • Bandits want to jump early, Black Roach tells them to wait. Can't be seen or the operation is blown
  • Whistle blows of the train, steam flies up into the air and the train forces itself forwards
  • Black Roach tells them to hold as the train picks up speed, faster and faster
  • It leaves the safety of the town, passing a boulder as it does so, giving Black Roach the signal
  • Now! With a yee haw the bandits snap the reigns and go charging down the hill, begin chasing the train
  • Quickly reaching the edge of the train and edging closer to an open carriage to jump into
  • 4 of the 5 men safely get ono board, the other falls getting crushed by the whirring of wheels
  • Black Roach spots a stranger in the distance following them, catching up quickly
  • Orders his bandits to fire, they open fire with pistols but the stranger dodges easily
  • Seeing the waste of time, Black Roach splits the bandits up, 2 stay to gun down the stranger, he heads for the driver
*Twist Counter = 0  

Scene 5: Chugging Along

  • The stranger (Edgar) dodges more bullets on his horse, gets to the edge of the carriage
  • Hastily makes a jump for the carriage but misjudges the distance, grasp on the edge of the carriage
  • Shot and hit by a bandit bullet but still clings on with one arm, pulls himself up with haste
  • Quickly grabs a utility laser to blast towards the bandits, scares the off and they bail the mission
  • Changes the intensity of the laser and cauterizes the wound, minor graze
  • Hobbles along the carriage to try catch up with the anomaly detector, beeping faster and louder
  • Reaches the next carriage and the detector goes wild, turns it off and slowly creaks open the carriage door
  • Inside is near total darkness, a few streams of light from gaps in the wooden boards, splinters and broken wooden crates lay on the floor
  • Takes a few steps inside and hits foot on something, a detached leg covered in wet blood
  • The door slams shut behind Edgar, so powerful it knocks off one of the hinges, the door now hanging on a corner letting a little light in
  • Edgar whips out his laser once more, ready to shoot, hears noises all around him but keep his focus forwards
  • A shadow brushes past his limited vision, shoots without thinking
  • Hits Black Roach in the stomach, crashes to the floor and shoots back
  • Edgar hit in the other arm, both men now bleeding out
  • In a panic, Black Roach calls to Edgar calling him an idiot, then to the creature shouting it can have the oil
  • Creature moves silently closer to Black Roach, snatching his leg and flinging him to the ceiling
  • It licks his wound and makes a gargling noise, the taste of blood drives it wild with sensation
  • Edgar shoots again with a laser, hitting the subject square in the back, the creature squeals in pain
  • Charging out of the carriage, breaking the door and heading for the driver
  • Edgar crawls over to Black Roach on the floor, but finds him drowned in a pool of his own blood
  • Edgar gags but pulls himself together and follows the subject
*Twist Counter = 3  

Scene 6: The Tunnel

  • Edgar is blinded by dawn light and nearly falls off the train, barely sees the tunnel in the distance
  • Sees a blood trail heading up the side of the tanker and Edgar quickens his steps
  • Leaps into the next carriage with oil in a tank, climbs the ladder and makes it to the top of the tanker
  • No sign of the subject, turns on detector again, going crazy with beeps and spinning
  • Feels a heavy, fiery breathing on the back of his neck, ducks just at the last second
  • Turns to see a vampiric creature, half human half wild beast bleeding and snarling
  • The pain in Edgar's arm is creeping in, tunnel is closing in as well
  • Edgar moves slowly backing away from the subject but it steps at same pace, reaches down for his laser
  • Subject is waiting to catch its prey, licking lips in anticipation
  • Edgar winces at the pain in his arm, tries to breathe deeply and wait for the tunnel
  • Lowers his body to the tanker as not to get hit by the tunnel, subject does the same
  • Things go dark, the subject scurries forwards, Edgar blasts his laser, BOOM!
  • The train explodes inside the tunnel, subject burns up in flames, Edgar disintegrated, the tunnel collapses on itself
  • Hours later, Time authority arrive in the time period to investigate
  • Anomaly detector is stable, agents agree to close the case
  • Locate the crashes ship and Edgar's ship, return them to HQ
  • Leaving the Wild West behind and the story of a freak train accident
  • The world saved by a future man no one will ever know
*Twist Counter = 3


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