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Loner - Ultraviolet

Here is the gameplay from one of my runs of the ruleset; Loner, Another Solo RPG 2nd Edition. Where the premise is focused on storytelling that could almost play out as a movie. Please enjoy the notes taken throughout the gameplay.


Scene 1: Service Call

    • Scannin, a businessman in the city of Talamus. Pale skin, pointed ears and golden clothing fashioned into a smarter looking suit
    • He turns to his company and says your a hard man to find
    • The stranger is of the same species, but with much darker clothes and thinner in nature. His business and strategic mind is hidden behind a good poker face
    • He simply smiles and asks why Scannin is after him. The businessman explains he needs help gaining something out of the museum
    • "Sorry, not my business stealing. Information is my limit. Find someone else" The Spy states
    • Scannin pleads with Arvo, the hired spy. Tries to explain further saying he hasn't much time
    • Arvo looks confused, asks for further explanation
    • To which the businessman gives up his cool composure and goes full on conspiracy mode. Telling the spy that an apocalypse is coming and he needs to prepare
    • The spy simply looks at the deranged man, he simply doesn't believe any doomsday is coming anytime soon. Needs more convincing
    • Scannin panics and offers to increase the initial payment. The spy keeps calm and simply asks for more
    • The spy asks for 50,000 credits and acces to the business records, information is valuable afterall
    • Scannin is shocked, and by instinct refuses. Causing Arvo to start heading for the door
    • Stopped by the businessman, he decides to make a counter offer. 60,000 and limited records
    • The idea plays in the SPy's mind before relucently agreeing. ore out of pity for the man than anything else
    • The pair shake hands and head inside a secret server room hidden behind a bookshelf, Scannin wiping sweat off his brow and bringing up a holographic table
    • On the table is all the information regarding the item he requries. The files shows details of a circuit board capable of producing a psionic shield. Peculiar even in a world of lightships and floating cities
    • Scannin tells Arvo he knows the sector of the museum but doesn't have eaxct images of the item. Just hope and pray he collects the right thing
    • While showing rough estimations, the spy thinks he has enough information to go off and leaves the businessman be. Noticing a painting on the way out of the man and his presumable wife
    • Scannin now on his own, lets out a sigh of relief and strokes the servers, talking to himself saying he wishes this works

  *Twist Counter = 1

Scene 2: Ready for Work

    • Arvo is sat at his workbench listening to the computer upload files to his tech glasses and the whirring of hover cabs flying by the window. Whistling to himself
    • He looks directly at the mirror, tinkering with a screwdriver at his face. Adjusting the settings on a digital disguiser mask
    • The files ding as a sign of completion, successfully uploading schematics for the museum layout, employee timetables and a profile on the curator Professor Phiri Dela Maddagg
    • As he takes the drive from the computer and sticks into the glass frames, a HUD display recognises the new info, adapting it to the personal layout settings for Arvo
    • With the mask complete, the glasses updated and his trusty Laser taser in case of emergency. He getst up and heads for a recon on the museum

  *Twist Counter = 3

Scene 3: Time to Make History

    • The spy, now disguised as a tourist, approaches the front door of the museum, upon arrival he is met with 2 Pill Droids, PD10 Security models
    • Scan Arvo which causes the digital mask to malfunction. The alarms go off almost immediately and the droids activate threat mode
    • Arvo attempts to turn around and make a run for it, rushing out the entrance but fast on his tail is now a small fleet of mecha droids stomping towards him
    • He dashes through the back alleys of Talamus, weaving and bobbing past people, crates and hover bikes
    • Attempts and succeeds vaulting through windows and doorways to gain distance between him and the droids
    • Eventually making it to a narrow alley with ladders, steps and pipes decorating the walls all the way to the rooftops
    • As he nimbly climbs up, Arvo reaches the rooftops, peeping overhead to see the droids give up their search being unsucessful in their capture
    • Just as he is about to turn around and head home, he is hit with a stun blast. Sending him to the ground in a fuzzy state of immobility
    • As he looks up, he finds a familiar face with long flowing hair and a mask covering her face
    • The vigilante of Talamus
    • She grabs him by the shoulders and hoists him over the edge with ease, asking her old friend how's it going?
    • Arvo keeps his poker face on and replies with a sarcastic comment saying she looks good in her new attire
    • The teo go back and forth,, arguing over Arvo breaking his end of a deal on the search for something called Ultraviolet
    • He corrects her with the response of waiting for more intel, and his new contract has him on a tight schedule
    • The vigilante doesn't seem to care and pulls out a blade and introduces it to his neck, politely asks that he gets back on track with her deal
    • With no other option, Arvo reassures her, saying she has his full attention
    • The vigilante takes him back to safety on the roof, telling him "good, we have a lot of work to do"

  *Twist Counter = 1

Scene 4: Unfinished Business

    • The vigilante is led through the neon streets heading towards the strip club. As they make way to their desitnation Arvo fills her in on details of his acquisitions regarding Ultraviolet
    • Explaining the illegal drug is widespread across the city, but all seller lead back to a mysterious figure in the club
    • The dealer known as Jakkobs says the the boss doesn't like showing his face, but he was able to get a meeting with them tonight, and doesn't like waiting
    • Seeing how wide spread this is, the spy asks how she plans on putting an end to it all?
    • She tells him not to worry, she has a plan but she needs confirmation of who the boss is first
    • They enter the club, guarded by big, broad figures. Who allow you to enter the club and guide you past all the rooms and bodies walking up the maze like corridors
    • The pair arrive and wait outside the door of the boss for a moment, before being given access and left unattended in an office with a holo call device at the centre
    • It flickers into life to reveal a synthesized woman with a glitching face, it is clearly an A.I but it seems heavily damaged
    • It asks who demanded her presence, she was expecting Jakkobs
    • The vigilante takes control of the stage, stating the facts of Ultraviolet, telling her the known locations of production centres and all the evidence she has regarding the selling across the city. She gives the AI a chance to reveal her boss or face justice by the law
    • Arvo looks perplexed, remarking her big plan is to threaten them into submission?
    • The AI interrupts stating she is the boss, giving the name of Mrs Sall
    • The cogs in Arvo's head begins connecting dots between things. The name Sall is shared by his latest boss, Scannin Sall. The AI resembles the woman he saw in the painting and the secret server room seemed rather large for business files. But not a complex AI
    • Whilst this is happening, the AI laughs in the face of the Vigilante before the spy calmly plasters a smile on his face
    • He simply asks if her husband is aware of her illegal business, which promptly cuts off the laughter, the AI giving a new face of rage
    • He continues saying they know the location of her servers and if she doesn't co-operate, they will shut her down from the source
    • Mrs Sall snaps and glitches further in a fit of rage. They will not go near her husband, he shall be safe in all of this
    • Safe in what? The Vigilante asks
    • Your kind are foolish to spend life believing you are the masters of technology. You ignore your own history in favour of advancements in electronics. But you are not our masters, you are simply slaves to us all. And with Ultraviolet out in the open, you shall soon become our puppets
    • Vigilante speaks out loud the techno virus side effect of the drug, realising Mrs Sall has slowly been poisoning the city
    • The glitching AI confirms this, stating she will bring an apocalypse down on Talamus
    • Arvo recalls the words of Scannin, he was scared something would happen soon. An apocalypse, now he knows why I guess
    • The AI grows tired of speaking saying they are too late to stop her now, initiating an activation word that is echoed across the city. Activating the virus inside drug users
    • She orders her guards to execute the pair and endsd the call
    • The doors slam open, with laser shots fired from behind. The spy and heroine take cover behind the desk
    • Waiting for the right moment before blasting concussion blasters and laser tasers simultaneously
    • As they race out of the club, the sound of gunshots alerts the police who have now surrounded the strip club
    • Seeing no way out, the pair put down their weapons and are taken inside a hover cab to be arrested

  *Twist Counter = 1

Scene 5: Lockup

    • The station is in chaos, with constant calls of a techno virus spreading, turning people stir crazy. But the officer in the interrogation room ignores them. For they have Arvo in for questioning
    • The officer tries getting him to talk, but Arvo is silent. He inspects the officer thinking of some kind of dirt on him he could use to his advantage
    • When he mentions his name, a glint of glee appears in the eyes of the spy. Who ignores spins the conversation around
    • He confirms his name, address and purposely mixing up the names of his wife and the woman he is having an affair with
    • This quickly shuts the questioning short and Arvo is thrown into a holding cell, opposite Vigilante in a separate cell
    • He calls over asking if she has any special gadget to get out of this situation
    • All she does is patiently wait, trying to work out a way to stop Mrs Sall, asking for more information on the server room
    • Arvo explains in detail the secret server room at the top of Scannin skyscraper. He was hired to steal a circuit board for Scannin which 'she' distracted him from
    • Vigilante suspects it was an attempt to protect his AI wife. Wondering if he is also on the Ultraviolet sales
    • Arvo plays this off as nonsense, he seemed too skittish to hire him. Let alone run a drug operation spanning the entire city
    • The pair agree they need to get out before Mrs Sall takes complete control
    • And in that moment, Vigilante notices the cameras shut down and begins to smile. Watching as the lights cut out and switch to emergency lighting. And the cell doors open, releasing the pair and various others in the holding cells
    • Impressed by her actions, Arvo takes her to the evidence room to grab their things and make quick work of heading for an exit
    • Once inside, the eagle eyes spy notices a pair of EMPs which he snatches for good measure
    • Just as they turn the corner to the exit, they walk in on officers fighting off UV users who have been mutated with liquid coolant veins and hardened skin as tough as metal
    • They try to simply sneak past but the officers are thrown to the wall, heading straight for Arvo
    • His taser slows the user down but not enough before it throws him to the ground
    • The vigilante saves him with a couple of blaster shots to the head, making quick work of the other user in the corridor
    • She picks up Arvo who is almost taken aback by her skills
    • No time to waste though and the pair exit the door onto the main street
    • With sirens and alarms going off in seemingly every direction, they are able to sneak into the back alleys and away from danger

  *Twist Counter = 1

Scene 6: Out of Sight

    • The spy and the Vigilante use the back streets to snake their way across the city towards Scannin's skyscraper
    • A sudden sharp pain shoots up from Arvo's back, from his encounter with the UV user. He slows to near stop saying he needs to rest
    • Vigilante tells him they need to carry on, the city is in danger
    • Tells her this is wa above his paygrade, besides she doesn't need him. She already has all the information needed
    • She tries to argue that there maybe more details needed inside that server room, details only he could spot out. She is not leaving him behind
    • He groans, partly at the sentiment and partly at the pain. In a moment of quick thinking, Vigilante drags the spy to the side to reach a pharmacy nearby
    • They kick the door in and slam money on the counter, asking for a shot of adrenaline
    • The Yalen woman behind the counter looks bewildered and simply refuses the offer. There are monsters outside
    • But the heroine is no mood for arguing and blasts the door behind the counter open, storming in without permission
    • The woman at the counter stands there just shouting at the pair, but Arvo is placed down distracted by the increasing pain
    • Vigilante hastily claws at the shelves, searching for the right thing to help the spy. In his moment of rest on the floor, he looks up to spot adrenaline on the top shelf
    • Telling him this is going to hurt, she injects Arvo with a shot and his eyes nearly burst out his head with the rush coursing through his body
    • Nearly jumping up, acting like a kid having a sugar rush he gets a burst of energy and is excited to head on Mrs Sall and her AI goons
    • They barge past the woman at the counter and back onto the streets
    • Finally reaching the skyscraper, they come to realise the building is in lockdown. With no clear way of reaching the top floor quickly

  *Twist Counter = 1

Scene 7: Head Office

    • The energy spike in Arvo has seemed to settled as he begins planning a way to get up, but the Vigilante is on the phone to someone saying they need a pickup
    • The spy is confused, asking who the hell is she phoning in this moment of time. Almost as to answer his question, a lightcopter flies down onto the street. With a man wearing big black sunglasses and blinding white teeth calls for them to hop on inside
    • As they enter, the pilot introduces himself and tells them to hold on tight. Arvo begins to question how the Vigilante has her own copter and pilot???
    • She tells him to stop questioning and discusses a plan on how to shut down Mrs Salls servers
    • Arvo keeps his secret of the EMPs and tell ehr to keep her distracted
    • The copter lands on the roof and the pilot seemingly gives Arvo a wink while his teeth glint from a well timed spotlight before telling them to stand back
    • As they do, the pilot launches an array of gunshots that blast open the doorway for the pair to head on inside. With the spy mapping the corridors to Scannin's office
    • Kicking down the door, they step inside with guns ready only to find Scannin hiding behind his desk in tears. Seeing the face of the spy begs for him to hand over the Psionic Shield
    • He gives a sheepish smile, saying he got a little interrupted and apologises
    • The vigilante cuts in to accuse Scannin of selling Ultraviolet across the city with his wife Mrs Sall. This seems to shock the businessman and calls the AI to his desk
    • Mrs Sall in her glitching form appears before her husband as he confronts her about this Ultraviolet business
    • Arvo leans in to say 'I told you so' to the Vigilante
    • The AI seems to plead her husband to help her from these intruders, they plan on killing her, but Scannin is too focused on the criminal acts of his wife
    • Seeing she won't get through to him, she breaks character and admits to it all. Saying his business was a failure, his morals would be his demise. The way he spent all money onto clinging onto his dead wife. She mocks him, saying he is a delusional widow. The future has no room for people like him
    • Scannin is simply left heartbroken, and is unable to continue on the conversation through tears
    • The AI turns to the heroine and the spy, giving off a dramatic villain speech saying they are too late to stop her uprising. Activating the office defences with deadly machinery aimed directly at them
    • The pair are stumped, but to everyone's surprise, a bellowing voice deactivates the defences. Scannin stands up to confront his wife once more
    • Arvo ceases the opportunity and slowly creeps towards the server room
    • Scannin reveals he was concerned there would be a war coming, an apocalypse that bring the end of all things. But by clinging onto this imitation of life, he brought about this doomsday. He says he loves her and says he is sorry
    • Then storms into the server room, smashing up the servers with hands. Ripping out circuits, wires and collapsing drawers with his bloodied knuckles
    • Mrs Sall screams at him to stop, glitching into a fit of rage. Glitching mroe and more unable to speak coherently. The room begins to break down and so does Mrs Sall
    • Almost forgetting he has EMPs in his hand, Arvo hurls the devices into the server room and watches as an explosion causes everything to black out...
    • The spy wakes up in electronic rubble, watching the Vigilante pick herself up from the blast
    • He checks on Scannin but finds his body is simply crushed under server racks and debris, with a pool of blood to confirm his death
    • The spy then makes his way over to the window, where he can hear the city below tinkering away as it always does. Back to the status quo

  *Twist Counter = 1


    • Recovering in his apartment, the spy whistles to himself as he waits for information to download
    • The TV is broadcasting reports of several Ultraviolet users dead from the side effects of the technovirus. And the city mourns over the businessman Scannin Sall, calling him a beloved member in the community
    • The computer chimes to signal completion and Arvo staggers across to read the files. His research into the identity of the Vigilante is confirmed to be the movie star, Hiesta
    • He chuckles, thinking that explains the dramatics of their adventure
    • He closes the computer down and decides he has earnt a day off, he did just save the city after all


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