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Short Story - You've Lost the Lottery Ticket

A Writing Prompt “What do you mean, you’ve lost the lottery ticket?”

“What do you mean, you’ve lost the lottery ticket?” Bob asked his wife.   “What do you think I mean, I’ve lost it. I’m sure I put it in my purse…” Sue replies sarcastically.   “Well you better find it, I gave you a whole two pounds for that thing.”   “Ooo, all you think about is money don’t you. I don’t know why you bother playing.”   “To make money, that’s the point. So we don’t have to think about money ever again.”   “Well you’re going to find anything if I don’t find the blumin’ thing”   “You just came out of the shop, how could you lose it?”   “Well I was in a rush, the man behind me was doing that thing where he cant stop moving. I think he were after tobacco…” Sue trails off as she searches deeper into her bag.   “I tell you what, you’d lose your head if it weren’t screwed on.”   “Well next time you can get your own lottery ticket!”   "I’m not doing that.” Bob grumbles as he makes his way out the car park   “Why not, you’re a grown man aren’t you? I don’t see why I have to go in.”   “I’m driving the car and keeping it warm. I can’t go in.”   “Oh yes, that’s right. You stay nice and warm whilst I go into the cold and do your bidding.”   “At least I drive you to the front door, I could have let you walk from the other side of the car park.”   “Ah, found it!” Sue pulls out the lottery ticket with a smug grin on her face   “Well done Sue, told you didn’t lose it.”   “Err, you said no such thing. You were too busy telling me I was wrong.”   “Now, I never said you were wrong, stop putting words in my mouth.”   "But you were thinking it, you had that tone.”   “I didn’t have a tone, I was only asking how you lost it going from the counter to the car.”   “Oh no, you were having a go at me for losing it. If you gave me chance, I would have found it just the same.”   “Ugh, look you found it now.”   “Yes, no help from you I might add.”   “Cause I’m driving!” Bob exclaims whilst in fact, driving.   “You can get your own lottery ticket next time if you’re gonna be so mean to me.”   “Oh honestly, I can’t do anything right by you can I? I help make the dinner, drive you to and from work. Go to work so you can have a roof over your head.”   “Bob, you’re retired! You’ve not lifted a finger since you were sixty-seven.” Sue points out   “Not that you did much before that anyway…” Whispering under her breath   *Bob is filled with the rage only a married man can obtain after being married for forty-five years. But also smart enough to keep his mouth shut. For Bob has learnt a very important lesson in all those years, one very important thing. And that is when Sue is like the way she is tonight, do not retaliate. Otherwise she won’t shut up later whilst the football is on.


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