King/Queen of Nevira


A prospective King or Queen of Nevira must be the oldest surviving legitimate issue of the prior monarch, or else the closest, legitimate next of kin to such an individual. Nevira practices uterine primogeniture, with the female lines of descent having precedence over the male lines.


Although the King or Queen of Nevira must undergo a crowning with attendant witnesses, there are few firm rules on procedure with prior ceremonies having taken place at the royal capital or even in the field after a battle.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There are no legal remedies to remove the King or Queen of Nevira, for reasons of health or otherwise, a state of affairs which has been exploited by a few depraved monarchs in the past.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
His/Her Royal Majesty
Equates to
As such things are reckoned in the Gloaming North, the Neviran monarch is of equivalent prestige to the Princes of Ludvico, Morbiro, and Zilresco, the Kings of Sigswald and the Diarchs of Gairovald. Although technically beneath the prestige of the Emperor of the Holy Gilder Empire, there have been a few individuals who have held and used both titles (Emperor-King, Empress-Queen).
Length of Term
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Lendanto


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