
The Serene Principality of Ludvico is the financial capital of the Gloaming North, home to the headquarters of the continent's most prestigious banks and merchant guilds. Ludvico was once the realm of Middle Altea and before its sundering, formed the heartlands of Great Altea. Among Altea's heirs, Ludvico retained the lion's share of its surviving lore and institutions, including its so-called Mastery of Time: the alchemical secrets of longevity and the arcane lore that allows the great worthies of Ludvico to trade days of a mortal's life as if they were a raw commodity.


Because the Ludvican elite have access to life extending magic, in the form of years bartered away by criminals and debtors, they trend towards extreme conservatism; disliking anything that might disrupt their precious longevity. This attitude leads towards a complicated relationship to with their own younger generation.

With Fraternity or Force

Founding Date
183 PRD
Geopolitical, Principality
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Character flag image: by Lendanto


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