
The City of Selvanseco is the capital of Zilresco.


The city's chief executive is the Lord Mayor, who serves at the pleasure of the Prince of Zilresco.


Selvanseco is broken up by three rivers and numerous canals, which serve as firebreaks and impediments to invaders. All the bridges in the city are capable of being raised and lowered from either side by the gendarmes, who are also able to lock the mechanisms in place.   The city has not had walls for nearly seventy years, as there was tremendous growth and expansion under the auspices the Princes of House Montejo. As Selvanseco experiences a near constant influx of immigrants and ongoing construction of new residential and industrial buildings, plans for new walls have been tabled.


Selvanseco is the very model of modernity. It boasts paved roads, abundant canals connecting three rivers, adequate sewers and drainage, and the most advanced industry in the Gloaming North.

Guilds and Factions

Over the course of several centuries the city's guilds have consolidated into groups of broadly related trades, as of 730 RD, these consolidated guilds include -
  • The Amaranthine Conference of Lettered Professionals: representing accountants, architects, barristers, cartographers, clerks, heralds, notaries, printers, secretaries, scriveners and solicitors.
  • The Carmine League of the Metallurgical Arts: representing armorers, blacksmiths, bladesmiths, braziers, cutlers, farriers, gilders, goldbeaters, goldsmiths, gunsmiths, locksmiths, pan smiths, pewtersmiths, silversmiths, spurriers, tinsmiths, toolmakers, and watchmakers.
  • The Cerulean Society of Textile Trades: bleachers, cloth merchants, cobblers, drapers, dyers, embroiderers, fullers, haberdashers, lacemakers, linen weavers, mercers, milliners, purse makers, ropemakers, rug makers, seamstresses, second-hand clothes merchants, shoemakers, silk mercers, stocking makers, tailors, tapestry makers and weavers.
  • The Orange Band of Leatherers: representing beltmakers, bookbinders, cordwainers, curriers, fellmongers, girdlers, leather carvers, lorimers, malemakers, saddlers, scabbard makers and tanners.
  • The Indigo Order of Provisioners: representing bakers, beer sellers, butchers, confectioners, costermongers, fresh-fishmongers, greengrocers, olive oil-merchants, salt-fishmongers, spice merchants, victuallers, and wine merchants.
  • The Titian Union of Stone and Timber: representing arkwrights, bricklayers, cabinetmakers, carpenters, coopers, gunstockers, millwrights, plasterers, roofers, sawyers, stonemasons, stuccadores, wainwrights, wheelwrights, and woodcarvers.
  • The Worshipful Company of Illuminated Trusties: represents chimney sweeps, couriers, criers, gondoliers, gong farmers, lamplighters, linkboys, litter-bearers, newspaper hawkers, rat catchers, rickshaws, shoe shiners, street sweepers, torchbearers, waste pickers and window washers.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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