
The Vuscovi (Vuscovi Wuskowi'ibunu), also known as Vuscovites, are today the largest group of Wilusics that dominate the mainland Gloaming North, possessing their own distinct psuedo-Alteanized culture. They are generally regarded to have split from the broader Wilushan people in the 10th millennium pre-Radiant Dawn with the rise of Wusoko and later the First Tsardom.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aj, Anja, Aniken, Asta, Bodil, Eira, Elin, Eliza, Guhan, Hyla, Karina, Katrina, Lisbet, Lowisa, Magaan, Myken, Marte, Mikaja, Nadežda, Odys, Runa, Sigrun, Siri, Soluvi, Viola, Ylva, Zyt

Masculine names

Ansgar, Azmut, Bahu, Edvaad, Enar, Esben, Gyr, Gjurd, Goran, Grigori, Gune, Hakon, Halvor, Hemiga, Jori, Jorn, Osvald, Rasmus, Rolf, Sigurd, Ulf, Vidar, Zimir

Cover image: by Forge of Tlepsh


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