
The Wilushan people (Vuscovi Wlu'šaana'ibunu), also known as the Takwites, are the oldest Wilusic group that to this day continue to inhabit their native island of Takwo Yktai and the furthest northern fringes of Vaskja. Once spectacular sea-raiders who struck terror into the minds of Tusiks and Elteans alike, the harsh climate of their homelands has denied the Wilushans the agricultural surplus necessary to advance beyond the level of early agricultural society, and with the rise of late feudal and early industrial nations following the the final collapse of Altea and the rise of the Ineffable Light, the Wilushans have rapidly become a backwater.   Clinging desperately to their old ways in spite of the rising Vuscovi powers to the east - with their faith prophesying doomsday on the death of the final believer -, the modern era has seen a rapid increase in succession attempts, religious terrorism, and retaliatory genocides.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aǩaj, Bora, Guhan, Haloma, J̌ya, Kisosa, Ložumo, Sulaweja, Šymy, Vimal, Zyt

Masculine names

Ačogaa, Borja, Guna, Hako, J̌oluta, Kana, Lyzaj, Suka, Zadaj, Vydaa, Zymyr

Cover image: by Forge of Tlepsh


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