

  The Great Master of Greed embodied the most profound weakness of dwarvenkind: an insatiable treasurelust, often considered their most detrimental trait. Once revered as the Trove Lord, he initially held a deep reverence for the natural beauty of gems. However, his descent into darkness began when he was denied the coveted position he had yearned for since birth. Fueled by bitterness and resentment, he forsook dwarven honor for trickery, determined to never face rejection again.  


  Abbathor epitomized intense greed, desiring wealth to a degree that could only be described as sensual. He would unconsciously caress any gold or gems in his possession, seemingly overwhelmed by the tactile sensation they provided. Envious of others' riches, he found himself unable to resist the allure of particularly valuable items, often resorting to theft or even murder to obtain them on the spot. His belief in the acquisition of wealth by any means necessary knew no bounds, disregarding morality and consequences alike.  


  Priests of Abbathor adorned themselves in red leather armor and leather caps, mirroring the deity's penchant for opulence. They shared Abbathor's unyielding stance on the acquisition of wealth, believing that all forms of riches were to be obtained by any means possible. His holy days coincided with solar eclipses, during which he demanded annual sacrifices of both blood and gems as tribute.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

piggy burning yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
sallow skin


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