Darfin's Bow of The Ancients


You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.   The longbow is imbued with powerful magic, capable of transferring its mystical energy into the arrows it fires. Each arrow shot from this enchanted bow can be endowed with one of the following magical effects, drawn from the bow's arcane reserves:   Arrow of Shock (1 Charge): A thundergem is sharpened into a point as this arrow's head. Upon a hit the brittle gem shatters, releasing an additional 2d6+2 lightning damage in a 10' radius.   Moss Arrow (1 Charge): When this arrow is fired at a surface, creeping moss rapidly spreads to a circle with radius ten feet around the point of contact. Walking or climbing on the moss grants advantage on stealth checks to remain silent.   Fire Arrow (1 Charges): The arrowhead is a fiery red gem, which pulses with an inner heat. When held, the arrow feels warm to the touch, and faint wisps of smoke curl around it. When the arrow hits it's target the fiery gem explodes damaging the targeted creature for 1d10 additional fire damage.   Once Per Day:   Blight Arrow (1/Day): A sinister looking arrow made from a dark wood that seems to pulse with life. On a hit, the wooden shaft of the arrow wiggles and writhes its way into the body of the target dealing an additional 1d4 damage on the hit and at the start of each of the target’s turns thereafter until the wood is removed with magical restoration or a successful DC 16 Medicine check. If the shaft still remains inside the target’s body when the target dies, 1d3 twig blights burst forth from the target’s body for 2d4 rounds after the creature’s death. The twig blights are hostile to all creatures other than each other, and attack nearby creatures until they die or there are no creatures left to attack, at which point they go off in search of more victims.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, wood elf mage, Damage, Combat, Ammunition, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed   Hombrew Content
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder
Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement by a wood elf mage)


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