Dwarven Excavation Letter

2 Tarsakh, 1437 DR     At long last, we stand before this forsaken site. Why King Bruenor sees fit to drag us so far from the comforting embrace of Mithral Hall for naught but limestone is a mystery as deep as the Underdark itself. Nonetheless, I shall endeavor to find some solace in the marvels of our ancestors' craftsmanship. This temple, despite its desolation, boasts a grandeur that commands respect.     23 Tarsakh, 1437 DR     Our mining efforts progress steadily, yet the true treasures of this place elude us. The lads and I harbor a fierce curiosity for the depths of this temple, but our explorations have thus far been stymied by stout stone and cunning concealment. Dwarven sanctuaries are renowned for their secrecy; surely, hidden passages lie waiting to be discovered. We seek not only riches, but also relics to bolster our defenses against the encroaching dark elves. All that remains are four gemstones and a cryptic inscription upon the altar, a riddle veiled in enigma:     I am solid and unyielding, beneath every footfall,   Whispering the secrets of eons, from the earth's depths I sprawl.   I am nature's breath, unseen yet ever near,   Bearer of tales amidst tempests, fierce and clear.   I flow with grace, shaping valleys and glee,   In tranquil streams or raging storms, defining destiny.   I dance with fervor, clothed in flames' attire,   Banishing shadows, igniting life's fire.     By the gods, riddles vex me sorely.     29 Mirtul, 1437 DR     Our time in this desolate place draws to a close. Alas, our quest for riches and relics within the temple's depths has yielded naught but toil and frustration. Yet, a great hall of limestone stands as testament to our labor, a prize to be borne back to Mithral Hall. Perhaps another dwarf will fare better in uncovering the secrets that lie dormant within these ancient walls. Until then, I bid this forsaken temple farewell, its mysteries still shrouded in stone and shadow.


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