
Savras, pronounced /ˈsɑːvrɑːs/ (SAV-ras), reigned as the deity presiding over wizards, divination, fate, and truth within the esteemed Faerûnian pantheon. The Lord of Divination relinquished his position as the god of spellcasters to Azuth, pledging an oath of allegiance to him and thus becoming the specific deity of Azuth's school of magic. While some adherents believed in the guiding hand of He of the Third Eye shaping the forces of destiny, others speculated that he possessed omniscient knowledge of history yet remained incapable of altering it. Despite his outwardly emotionless demeanor, seen as a facade, Savras harbored a profound concern for the fate of Faerun, even if his ability to influence it was limited.  


Savras was often depicted as a figure with a countenance fashioned from crystalline facets, unmistakably transparent to all who beheld him. His pronouncements carried a stark clarity, often delivering truths that were succinct and rarely aligning with the desires of the listener. The symbol of Savras took the form of a monstrous eye or a crystal ball adorned with countless observing eyes, emblematic of his dominion over divination and foresight.  


Savras, revered as the deity of diviners and truth-speakers, commanded worship across both northern and southern regions. However, his clergy remained sparse in the late 14th century DR, for Savras had recently emerged from a centuries-old imprisonment. Among his few notable devotees was Alaundo of Candlekeep, esteemed as the singular prophet of the Realms.   The nations of the Chultan Peninsula, including Tashalar, Samarach, and Nimbral, held a deep affection for Savras. Here, the arts of scrying and espionage thrived due to the populace's fear of the yuan-ti, fostering a heightened reverence for the god.   Even the enigmatic Gurs paid homage to Savras, potentially aiding in the endurance of his faith throughout his lengthy incarceration.   The most devout adherents of Savras carried elaborate staves at all times, hoping to attract their god's fleeting presence to their staffs. This act was imbued with the fervent belief that their staffs might become a temporary abode for Savras.


The Benign Order of the Third Eye

emerged as a clandestine cult in 1371 DR, seemingly at odds with a god dedicated to uncovering truth. Comprised predominantly of archivists, boasting the highest concentration in the Realms, its members received a divine vision from Savras. In this vision, Savras emphasized the necessity of gathering magic and lore in anticipation of an impending conflict with Cyric.   However, the Order's zealous pursuit of knowledge led to a dark turn. They became notorious for their involvement in grave robbing, tarnishing their reputation despite their noble intentions.
Divine Classification
  • Demigod
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The All-Seeing
  • Lord of Divination
  • He of the Third Eye
  • Male
  • Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes
  • Lawful Neutral
  • Divination, Fate, Truth
  • Fate, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Spells
Favored Weapon
  • The Eye of Savras (dagger)
Cleric Alignments
  • LN, LG, LE
  • Diviners, judges, monks, seekers of truth, spellcasters


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