Shield of Recounting

This perfectly round silver shield initially has a mirror finish. As a hero takes it into battle it remembers the enemies encountered, gaining a +1 to AC on any subsequent battle with creatures of that type. The events of the battle are intricately engraved onto the shield’s surface (which has a seemingly endless capacity for detail).   The bearer of the shield may also attempt to recount past battles (real or imagined) to the shield. Upon a DC 15 charisma check or DC 15 Deception check, the shield confers a +1 AC against the creatures described in the tall tales.   3 failed attempts at recounting stories cause the shield to be cleared of all of its memories. The engravings disappear as it reverts to its mirror finish. All bonuses are lost.   A shield is made from wood or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by 2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.
Homebrew   Notes: Bonus: Armor Class, Combat, Warding
Item type
Armor (shield), rare


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