Moros' Labyrinth Building / Landmark in Realms | World Anvil
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Moros' Labyrinth

Moros' Labyrinth is a manmade labyrinth that lies underneath The Desert Crypt">. It is a trial given to unawakened Vessels to try to bring forth their power.  


The labyrtinth is accessed by continuing down the staircase that leads from the shrine on the surface, into the Crypt, and then down a final layer. The stairs end at the center of the Labyrinth, and start the participant with multiple directions to choose from. The Labyrinth is built of the same sandstone that The Crypt is carved from. The only illumination in the Labyrinth is at intersections, and the roads leading up to intersections double back on themselves to hide the light from the participant.   The labyrinth has one exit, that takes the participant down yet another staircase, to an underground oasis that has been turned into a shrine to Gamira much like Asha's Hollow.


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