
Aeradonia is a fantastical realm, home to magical creatures and humans aspiring for a better tomorrow. The world is separated in many kingdoms, both small and large. Much of one's place in the world is determined by magic, power, and money.


  • Aeradonia
    Aeradonia is a realm in the Material Plane. This realm is home to many fantastical beings. This realm was once made up of just two small continents, mostly inhabited by elves, humans, orcs, and dwarves. In the year 2 AF however during what some call the Condensing, the original Aeradonia, the continents of Odesh andĀ Incandak, the Realm of Happily Ever After, now the continents of Aeropa, Jadalon, and Nubandia, and the Valley of the Five Guardians, now Sutong.
Characters in Location