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Displacer Rat

For every cat, there is a mouse. This creature is akin to the far larger natural predator, the displacer beast. Like the displacer beast, it takes its name from its ability to displace light so that it appears to be several feet away from its actual location.

Basic Information


A displacer rat resembles a large sewer rat, with fur ranging from blue-black fur to charcoal gray. Also like the displacer beast, its otherworldly origins are clear in its six legs and the two tentacles sprouting from its shoulders, both ending in pads tipped with spiky protrusions.

Ecology and Habitats

Displacer rats roamed the twilight lands of the Feywild for ages, doing their best to avoid the predation of the displacer beasts. Their numbers grew once the beasts were captured by the Unseelie Court.   Running and breeding freely in the Feywild, the displacer rats often were adopted by the children of the Seelie Court. They soon moved into the cities more commonly than the Feywild fields once the displacer beasts escaped their masters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While rats most commonly work in packs, the displacer rat prefers a solitary life. It's equally a scavenger as well as a hunter of smaller rodents, using its abilities with fluidity.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Capturing a displacer rat and training it takes time, but it becomes quite a loyal pet. It's not brilliantly intelligent, but it can follow commands, and it's nimbleness allows it to sneak into places larger creatures might not fit into easily.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities


Displacer rats used their innate magic to bend light, making them appear to be a foot or two from their actual positions.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Displacer rats were covered in grayish-brown fur across most of their bodies with the tentacles being naked skin an smoke-gray.


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