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Erudi Ceris

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rudi doesn't remember much. The first solid memory he has is of walking through the woods. One foot in front of the other, determined to go on, hunger gnawing at him. That night he slept restlessly, strange noises sounding deeper in. When the sun finally broke, he forced himself on.   Around Rudi caught sight of a break in the trees, and a dull series of thuds. Rushing ahead he finally broke free of the treeline, coming face to face with a tall, blonde man. The two looked at one another for a long time, or at least it seemed, until the older man nodded his head towards a cart nearby. The strangely stretched horse-like creature pulling the cart let out a low whine as the two climbed aboard and started forward. The blonde man was quiet for the bulk of the journey, only offering simple responses to Rudi's many questions.   "Name's LB."   "Ostrov."   "Taking you to see the boss."   The boss turned out to be a bakery owner named Darias, who took young Rudi under his wing, offering food, room, and the chance to prove himself.. Eventually Rudi was introduced to the secret side of the business; hunting down powerful artifacts. Charged primarily with research and courier jobs, Rudi quickly became familiar with the local libraries and magical towers.   5 years later, having studied as much as he could and amassing some respect, Rudi stood among his new, somewhat strange family. His first real task: to hunt down (And retrieve if possible) a magical dollhouse...


Oh he gay.


The bulk of his known education came from a few stolen books from several libraries, including one spellbook.   Since sending the party to find Tulio, he has been rigorously studying at The Library to advance his magical skills.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Becoming an accomplished Wizard in a mere 5 years. Finding the House of 1,000 Delights. Saving Ladya from the House.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once, while using what should have been a very routine scroll of Enforced Circle of Teleportation, he somehow ended up in the Realm of Nightmares with his new allies.

Mental Trauma

There are a few lingering effects of using a deep Detect Thoughts spell to enter the mind of Sam, and his alien Draconic intellect.

Morality & Philosophy

People deserve second (or third) chances. Bullies need to be taught their lessons. Help those who help you, and those who cannot help themselves. "You can't save them all,but you have to try."

Personality Characteristics


Rudi's biggest motivations are:   A: Find my brother who I barely remember, other than he protected me, and kept the bad people away from me.   B: Prove that I'm not a Shitty Wizard and that I can do good.   and C: Help my new friends get home.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Books. Learning. Being carried. Having a spell for just about any situation.   Dislikes: Mornings. Dirt. PEOPLE SHOOTING HIS BOOK.

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined to help those around him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Timid, low self esteem.

Personality Quirks

Has a slight stutter. Prefers to sleep on the softest materials possible and will go out of his way to make it happen if possible.


Family Ties

One long lost brother out there....somewhere...

Religious Views

A follower of Lunaris, Mistress of Magic and Secrets.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emissary of the Sleeper Cartel, Assistant Artifact Acquirer, Chief Lore Master, Blade of the North, Lord of the 12th Void, and Junior Bookkeeper
Current Residence
Messy black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"...And I'll teleport a mile into the air!"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Halfling and Giff


Wizard 12 Class & Level
Sage Background
Human Race
Chaotic Good Alignment

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
constitution 16
intelligence 20
wisdom 14
charisma 13
Total Hit Dice 12
Hit Die 1d6+3
4 proficiency bonus
16 Passive perception
-1 Strength
2 Dexterity
3 Constitution
9 Intelligence
6 Wisdom
1 Charisma
saving throws
2 Acrobatics
2 Animal Handling
13 Arcana
-1 Athletics
1 Deception
13 History
2 Insight
1 Intimidation
13 Investigation
2 Medicine
13 Nature
6 Perception
1 Performance
1 Persuasion
13 Religion
2 Sleight of Hands
2 Stealth
2 Survival
Hit Points
Common, Draconic, Giff, Halfling, Deep Speech

Weird Wand of True Polymorph (Modified)
Boots of the Aristocrat
Wand of Lightning Bolt
The Aran-Psi Longsword (Which he has been practicing with)
Some spell pamphlets and rando books
Some poisons and a vial of Aberration goop
1 vial zombie blood
A few spell scrolls

Personality Traits



Spell Sniper
Features & Traits


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