Autognome Species in Realmspace | World Anvil
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  An autognome is a mechanical gnome that resembles the rock gnome who created it, though it could never be mistaken for a gnome. Regardless of what its insides are made of, it has a metallic outer casing painted with gnomish features. It walks with a stiff gait, clanking, wheezing, whirring, and buzzing wherever it goes.
  An autognome obeys its creator’s commands when it is functioning properly, but a design flaw can cause an autognome to go rogue, forget its orders, and wander Wildspace doing anything except what it was designed for.
  No two autognomes are necessarily made of the same materials; magic is what gives them their intelligence. Most autognomes are programmed to obey the following three directives: defend gnomes who are being attacked by non-gnomes, defend yourself if you are attacked, and protect infants and youngsters from harm. The last directive arose from the best intentions, but it doesn’t distinguish between species; if an autognome sees a group of adults battling a lunar dragon wyrmling, for instance, it would come to the wyrmling’s defense.


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