Braxat Species in Realmspace | World Anvil
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  A braxat is a towering, warm-blooded carnivore with a thick, articulated shell covering its back, a squarish head topped with horny protrusions, and thick arms ending in large hands with opposable thumbs. The creature walks upright on two legs.
  Braxats hunt alone or in pairs, prowling deserts, dry canyons, desolate wastelands, and lonely asteroids in search of prey. Braxats also spew acid, though they tend to do so only as a last resort, since the acid dissolves and ruins the flesh they crave.
  A braxat projects an invisible psychic barrier around itself that enhances its natural armor, and it can amplify this magical energy to create shields of rippling force that deflect incoming attacks and absorb magic missile spells.


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