Cosmic Horror Species in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Cosmic Horror

  Cosmic horrors are colossal, malevolent entities that occasionally slip the bonds of the Far Realm and find themselves adrift on the Astral Plane. Drawn to the light of distant stars, these creatures invade Wildspace systems and lay waste to worlds. After feeding on the minds and bodies of a world’s inhabitants until it is sated, a cosmic horror usually returns to the void, where it falls into a deep sleep, drifting aimlessly until hunger or some other stimulus awakens it.   Cosmic horrors are among the most powerful creatures spawned by the Far Realm. No two of them have the same appearance, but they have certain qualities in common. Each one is roughly 100 feet long or tall, and its physical form is a seemingly impossible conglomeration of eyes, mouths, wings, tentacles, and less recognizable organs and appendages.


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