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Cull'thane Diary

Entry 1: Date: 15th of Alturiak, 1835 DR   The humanoids of Realmspace are but mere playthings in my grand design. Their pitiful existence provides an endless labor supply, fueling my insatiable thirst for power and wealth. The partnership with Terra Nova Mining Co. has proven fruitful, allowing me to extract the life force of these unsuspecting souls to feed my eternal hunger.   Entry 2: Date: 27th of Alturiak, 1835 DR   The capture and transport of the humanoids have been seamless. My loyal minions precisely carry out my orders, snatching them from their homes under the cover of darkness. Their screams of desperation and cries for mercy are music to my ears, a sweet symphony of suffering that reaffirms my dominance over these feeble creatures.   Entry 3: Date: 12th of Ches, 1835 DR   The construction on my estate will be finished soon, shielding me from prying eyes and unwelcome interference. Within its walls, I revel in the spoils of my wicked endeavors. The cries of anguish echo through the corridors, mingling with the scent of fear that permeates the air. It is a testament to my power, a constant reminder of the darkness that envelopes this forsaken moon.   Entry 4: Date: 23rd of Ches, 1835 DR   My insatiable thirst for blood remains unquenched. These simple creatures, weakened and broken, are ripe for the picking. I savor each drop of their life essence, relishing in the power that courses through my veins. They are but vessels, sacrificial lambs, fueling my eternal existence. Their suffering is my sustenance, and I revel in their torment.   We recently made a deal with a greedy halfling on Anadia that allows a constant stream of workers for the ice mines of Drak’Thrun. In all my centuries of being alive never has it been easier to acquire gold…and the blood that runs through it.   Entry 5: Date: 8th of Tarsakh, 1835 DR   Word of resistance among the halflings has reached my ears. Pitiful fools! They dare to defy my reign, to challenge the might of the Terra Nova Mining Co. and my vampiric supremacy. But I will not be swayed. I will crush their feeble attempts at rebellion, snuffing out the faint embers of hope with my iron fist. I’m told a leader of the halflings, Roslyn, is attempting a rescue of these pathetic creatures. I will make sure they never see the light of day again.   Entry 6: Date: 24th of Tarsakh, 1835 DR   The time has come to expand my dominion. I shall extend my reach beyond Drak'Thrun, enslaving humanoids in distant lands. The world will tremble at my name, and the darkness of my rule shall know no bounds. My reign of terror shall be eternal, and none shall escape my grasp. We are currently planning an expansion into Toril. Disguised as mining vessels, my Vampirates will recruit unsuspecting workers to be transported to Glyth where they will be raised as cattle. I’m finding the mind flayers pay even better than Terra Nova.


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