Gaj Species in Realmspace | World Anvil
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  Disgorged from the Far Realm, Gaj are hideous hunters that prey on other life forms. They crawl on six insectile legs and attack with their mandibles. They ambush prey by burying themselves under sand or silt and lying in wait, lurking in dark caves, or perching on natural stone ledges, where they blend in with their surroundings. Gaj have no language, but they have the magical ability to understand the speech of other creatures.   A gaj’s head is a spongy globe about 2 feet in diameter, with three feathery antennae protruding from the top. Spaced around the head are six compound eyes, and six finger-like appendages hang over its mouth. A gaj can try to read the thoughts of another creature by wrapping its antennae around the creature’s head. Regardless of whether the attempt succeeds, this mental probe is painful and takes a toll on the victim’s well-being.


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