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  A tall, majestic tree with fiery red and orange leaves that look like flames. The bark of the tree is a deep, rich brown, and it glows with a faint red light, as if it is smoldering. The branches of the tree are long and thin, and they reach upwards towards the sky as if they are trying to catch the sun.  
  Ignitree is known for its ability to produce a special sap that is highly flammable. This sap is often used by locals where Ignitree grows, as a source of fuel for fires and lamps.
  It is also revered as a symbol of passion and courage. Many warriors and adventurers seek out Ignitree as a place of meditation and reflection before embarking on a dangerous journey. It is said that the tree's fiery energy can inspire even the most timid of hearts to take bold action.  


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