Kindori Species in Realmspace | World Anvil
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  Kindori are among the largest creatures found in Wildspace. They resemble aquatic whales in general shape and are mammals as well. An adult specimen can be up to 80 feet long.
  A kindori lacks a noticeable mouth. The leading edge of its body is dotted with small eyes that can emit bright beams of light, which the creature uses to disorient predators before making its escape. Kindori communicate with one another over long distances by sending flashes of light from their eyes and draw their nourishment from the light of suns and stars.
  A kindori is large enough to have its own gravity plane and air envelope, enabling smaller creatures to live and travel on its body. Mosses, molds, and other parasitic organisms grow on its surface, which in turn attract predators to clean them off. A kindori might have scavvers feeding on these parasites, which it doesn’t mind. An extremely old or sick kindori can be identified by the overgrowth of vines and vegetation on it.


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