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Lower City

  Alive with activity at all hours, the Lower City never sleeps. The streets are choked with shouting, pushing peddlers, beggars, and thieves. Low City may be dirtier and poorer than the rest of the Rock, but to most people, it captures the rugged soul of the city.  
Lower City is a crowded waterfront of Wildspace, a melting pot of incredible diversity. It may be one of the few places in any world where one's race or creed makes no difference. There is room for all in Low City.
  In the endless swirl of crowds and crime, the unwritten rules of the Rock are the only thing that lies between livable chaos and the squalid pit of eternal warfare and slavery. Don't ask questions. Don't go back on your word. Don't get involved. Never trust someone you don't know. If you stay within these guidelines, you will survive and possibly even flourish in the Low City.
  It is much more raw and violent than the Middle City with the Magistarte's Watch having no disciplined soldiers, but brutal thugs, whose only concern is preventing a brawl from becoming a riot.
  You can turn a corner and find yourself in the middle of someone's home, standing amid the huts and lean-tos of the wretched leaseless of Bral. Or you could stumble onto a battlefield of rival gangs, where dozens of rogues brawl for the rights to a few more alleys or tenements.  
Places of Interest

The Dwarven District

The Dwarven District is one of the more prosperous areas in Low City. The dwarves are a skilled and hard-working race, and their presence on the Rock dates back to the first pirate havens. It is not uncommon for the alleys and streets to be crowded with non-dwarves seeking goods of matchless quality and craftsmanship.  

Dwarven Boarding Company

This mercenary company specializes in ship-to-ship combat and is often sought after as marines, by both merchants and privateers. The leader of the company is a dwarf by the name of Threndur Icehewer.  

The Burrows

A small and quiet neighborhood that climbs down the slope of the Rock, the Burrows are the barrio of the halflings. The halflings do not see the same types of crowds that the Dwarven District attracts as they prefer to rent buildings in Low and Middle city to set up businesses. All halflings under the Rock are under the protection of Meredin Sandyfoot, and acts of intimidation or violence against the small folk will not go unpunished.  


The Giff do not come close to filling this block of the Low City, but they are easily the dominant race of the neighborhood, and certainly its most remarkable feature. The Giff have one profession - soldiering with Sergeant Major Agamour setting up a mercenary company that can be expensive to hire. The head of the entire community is a short-tempered Giff by the name of General Saerlg Tomojak.  

The Rockrat

Perhaps one of the dirtiest and most dangerous taverns in Bral, the Rockrat is a ramshackle old building decorated with battered old nautical gear. Catering to the cheapest spacers and tradesmen, the Rockrat also enjoys a fair amount of local flavor as it is a favorite among the Giff. The Rockrat's bouncer is an ogre named Grinder who does not allow weapons inside. A draft of ale at the Rockrate costs 5 cp, and a meal of questionable quality runs about 2 sp.  

Master of the Docks

This large building houses the Harbormasters who supervise the customs inspections of cargo being brought into the city. These officers are notoriously corrupt and often collect "expedition taxes" to quickly finish their inspections and dock the ships. Once the ship is tied up (cradled), the longshoremen come on board. They are paid around 6 sp per day, with an additional 2 sp surcharge per worker going to the guild's coffers. Captains refusing to pay their longshoremen will find that crucial parts of their cargo mysteriously disappear and even worse unable to hire help from the guild again.  

The Lesser Market

While it pales in comparison to the Great Market of Middle City, the Lesser Market is still quite a fascinating place. You will find most common trades and services here including astrologers, beggers, carters, cobblers, cutlers, dyers, glaziers, grocers, hosiers, joiners, limners, tinkers, weavers, and thieves of all kinds. Most of these goods are obviously fenced but finding a diamond brooch at half the price would not be uncommon.  

The Shipyards

The "Yards" is owned by the crown and allow the Shipwrights' Guild to carry out the business of ship repair and construction. They are run by Irdana Shipwright, an ingenious designer, and builder who leads the Guild. She seems to oversee half a dozen projects at once and will still find the time to help a small child repair their toy boat. They can repair a ship one-third of the time for a 10% increase in cost. Treating them poorly is a terrible idea and will simply refuse to work on a vessel if they so choose.  

The Ironworks

One of the largest casting and cold forge facilities known in any sphere, the Ironworks of Bral are operated by the Forgemen. The ironworkers guild is a sister organization to the Shipwrights' and produce iron plate and casting for use in hull construction and repair. Their fires are powered by magic which are periodically renewed by the Fireball Alliance.  

Houwe's Ballistae and Catapults

Ilian Houwe is a human woman who specializes in making heavy weapons. Tall and gaunt, Houwe is a very demanding person who rarely smiles and commands a half dozen journeymen and apprentices. Given enough time she can craft weapons far greater, and more expensive, than any other found on the Rock.  

The Laughing Beholder

A small but prosperous tavern, the Laughing Beholder is owned by none other than Large Luigi, the famous beholder and tavern keeper. Luigi is a civic-minded and well-liked citizen of Bral and spends most of his time listening to the rumors of far spheres and great adventures. The Laughing Beholder is rarely troubled by bullies or hoodlums. Large Luigi's powerful abilities quickly put an end to trouble virtually before it starts.


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