Meekin Haverstance in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Meekin Haverstance

  Meekin is a young Human who is eager to make his career and fortune as a spelljammer so he can provide a good life for his young fiancé. However, he is shy and timid and lacks self-confidence. This has caused his fellow cadets to bully and ostracize him.   From a young age, he was captivated by the tales of brave spelljammers who traversed the vast reaches of space, discovering new worlds and bringing back precious treasures. Inspired by these stories, Meekin yearned to become a spelljammer himself, hoping to provide a better life for his fiancé, Lily.   However, Meekin was shy and timid, often feeling overshadowed by his more boisterous peers. He lacked self-confidence and found it challenging to assert himself in social situations. This made him an easy target for bullying and ostracization among his fellow cadets when he enrolled in the prestigious Spelljamming Academy.


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