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  Built and used by mind flayers, nautiloids are designed exclusively for space travel. They can’t float on water, nor can they land safely on the ground.   As an action, a creature attuned to a nautiloid’s spelljamming helm and in physical contact with the ship can transport the nautiloid and all creatures and objects aboard it to a different plane of existence, at or near a destination envisioned by the spelljammer (or to a random location on the plane if no destination is envisioned). This property is a feature of the ship, not the spelljamming helm. Each time this property is used, roll a d6. On a 5–6, the property recharges after 1 minute; otherwise, it can’t be used again for 24 hours.  
Name AC HP (DT) Speed (Hexes) Agility Crew Cargo Artillery
Nautiloid 15 400 (15) 8 120 20 70 Ballista (x4) Mangonel (x1) Tentacles


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