Prince Andru Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prince Andru

  Prince Andru Cozar was the ruler of the Rock of Bral. Intelligent and serious, he reminded many of his grandfather Cozar. He cared for few people beyond himself; he was conniving and shrewd, and in his plans, he believed that the ends justified the means. Nevertheless, he had a charming personality with a good sense of humor, was a quiet but capable ruler, and showed great skill in diplomacy. Andru preferred wisdom and patience over force, which caused some to see him as weak.  
Over the first fifteen years of his reign, Andru doubled the size of Bral's army and tripled the size of its wildspace navy. His rule saw a drift toward a more lawful Bralian society. Andru, recognizing that his small city was not a powerful state, tried to make the Rock into a neutral center for diplomacy and negotiation among the spacefaring races. Prince Andru gained great profit serving as a mediator and powerbroker. The prince rarely held court, relying instead on a loyal group of retainers. While more businesslike than his predecessors, Andru would still host entertainment on occasion, such as banquets and balls.  
Andru was the younger son of Prince Frun. His brother was named Calar. Calar's son Aric, the heir-apparent to Bral's throne, was thus Andru's nephew. Andru's sister-in-law, Aric's mother, was named Ellana. Andru's consort was Cerena, a woman sixteen years younger than he. He cared for her, but it was not clear that he truly loved her. Andru's proconsul was his former tutor, Gadaric Main. One of his closest friends was the half-elf Tiendor Alian, and the two had been friends since Andru was only a boy.  


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