Prisoner Seven Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prisoner Seven

  Name: Gideon Swiftfeather
Age: 42
Race: Arocrokka
Origin: Athanar, Coliar
  Conviction: 624 Counts of Breeding Monsters without a Permit
Sentence: Life
Time Served: 24 years
  Gideon Swiftfeather soared through the skies above Coliar, indulging his obsession with breeding monstrous creatures. His unregulated experiments brought chaos and terror, wreaking havoc upon the land. Despite warnings, Gideon's arrogance and disregard for the law led to his eventual capture. Now imprisoned for two decades and four years, his once-mighty wings are clipped, the weight of his actions chaining him to a life sentence as he rots away in captivity.


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