Prisoner Seventeen Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prisoner Seventeen

  Name: Arion Shadowblade
Age: Unknown
Race: Mindflayer
Origin: Tellectus, Glyth
  Conviction: 268 Counts of Kidnapping
Sentence: Life
Time Served: 2 years
  Arion Shadowblade's malevolent reputation resonated across the planes. His mastery of psionics and manipulation led him to orchestrate the kidnappings of hundreds, driven by an insatiable thirst for power. Hailing from the abyssal depths of Glyth, Arion's reign of terror was quelled when a coalition of surface forces captured him. Despite his captivity, his nefarious intellect continues to scheme for his eventual escape, his psionic abilities contained by the wards of his cell.


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