Prisoner Six Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prisoner Six

  Name: Gallia Strand
Age: 32
Race: Human
Home: Seloria, Toril
  Conviction: Smuggling Contraband Luxuries
Sentence: 20 years
Time Served: 3 years
  Gallia Strand, hailing from the opulent city of Seloria, was born into a family of wealthy merchants with a taste for the forbidden. Her insatiable desire for power and riches led her down the treacherous path of smuggling contraband magical items, indulging in the thrill of evading authorities. The enchanting aroma of rare spices, shimmering silks, and exquisite jewels were her companions in the darkness. However, her grand empire eventually crumbled when city guards managed to unearth her intricate network of secret trade routes. Her downfall came swiftly, and Gallia was sentenced to two decades of imprisonment.


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