Prisoner Sixteen Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prisoner Sixteen

  Name: Barlo Rageblade
  Age: 26
Race: Human
Origin: Everdawn Village, Toril
  Conviction: Reckless Endangerment, 3 Counts of Murder
Sentence: Life
Time Served: 2 years
  Barlo Rageblade's early life in the tranquil Everdawn Village was torn apart by a malevolent cult. Driven to the brink of madness by their atrocities, Barlo took up arms with a group of lycanthropes in a desperate attempt to protect his kin. His fierce determination, however, led to unintended casualties among innocent villagers. Captured by authorities, his chaotic and noble intentions were overshadowed by his actions, resulting in a life sentence for reckless endangerment and three counts of murder. Barlo's days are now spent behind bars, his heart a tumultuous storm of remorse and the echoes of those he couldn't save.


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