Prisoner Twenty-Four Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Prisoner Twenty-Four

  Name: Flynn Kane
Age: Unknown
Race: Half-Elf
Home: Neverwinter, Toril
  Conviction: 16 Counts of Magic Influence, 42 Counts of Conspiracy to Commit Thievery, 86 Counts of Thievery, 6 Counts of Impersonation of a Member of the City Watch, 12 Counts of Forgery, 1 Count of Grand Arson
  Sentence: Life
Time Served: 1 year
    Flynn Kane, a brilliant but misguided half-elf from the city of Neverwinter, was consumed by his insatiable curiosity. His mastery of enchantment and manipulation of magic were used for nefarious ends. He manipulated minds, orchestrated elaborate heists, and left his mark through countless acts of thievery and forgery. A wave of terror culminated in the grand arson of a historic library. Captured and brought to justice, Flynn now rots behind bars, his potential squandered by a lifetime of imprisonment, his once-glistening future forever consumed by the flames he set.


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