Saerthe Abizjn Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Saerthe Abizjn

  Despite their extravagant showboating, Saerthe Abizjn (pronounced SAIR-th ah-bih-ZEEN) remains as mysterious as the isle of Nimbral from which they hail. Although relatively inexperienced in comparison to some of the other instructors at the academy, Saerthe is an experienced spelljammer. Their eyes shimmer like pools of quicksilver, allowing them to see magical auras.   Saerthe’s quick wit and sharp tongue provide them with an inexhaustible supply of jabs and quips (though never mean-spirited), accompanied to great effect by their natural talent with illusory magic. Saerthe’s white skin is so pale as to be almost translucent, and their blonde hair is worn in a fashionable, immaculately manicured pompadour.  
“I make talent look good.”



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