Solana Nightguard Character in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Solana Nightguard

  Solana is an Astral Elf who seeks to become a renown and high stationed spelljammer, not only to live up to her family name, but to make a name for herself as well. Solana is self-assured and thinks herself superior to others and often speaks in a condescending tone.   Her journey as a spelljammer is fueled by ambition and the desire to prove her exceptional skills and capabilities. Solana firmly believes that her innate talents and lineage set her apart from the rest, and she doesn't hesitate to let others know it. She is quick to dismiss those who she deems unworthy or lacking in skill, often speaking with a hint of disdain in her voice.   Solana's confidence and superiority complex can be both an asset and a hindrance. On one hand, her unwavering self-assurance helps her take on daunting challenges with determination and a drive to succeed. Her belief in her own abilities can inspire others and instill a sense of awe in those who witness her magical prowess.


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