Spelljammer Corps Military Formation in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Spelljammer Corps

  Wildspace is not an empty void, but rather a vast and complex environment filled with various celestial bodies, such as planets, asteroids, and otherworldly phenomena. Spelljammers are ships that are capable of traversing this space and are powered by magical energy.   The Spelljammer Corps is responsible for the manufacture and distribution of Spelljammers, as well as providing support and maintenance services for these ships. They also regulate space travel and enforce laws and regulations related to space travel, such as trade agreements, immigration policies, and interstellar conflicts.   The navy is divided into various units, including engineering, logistics, and security. Each unit is responsible for specific aspects of space travel, such as ship construction, cargo transport, and crew safety.   Overall, the Spelljammer Corps is a powerful and influential entity within Realmspace, and it plays a crucial role in facilitating the exploration and colonization of space in this fantastical world.



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