Toril Geographic Location in Realmspace | World Anvil
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The third planet in the system was the most populated, teeming with life. Approximately 60% of the surface is covered with water and fauna. Toril ranged from creatures living in the air, on the land, under the water, and in subterranean habitats. It is home to a large array of ports and a spelljammer academy which allows the training of new cadets.  
Toril is by far the most densely populated planet in Realmspace and features hundreds of intelligent creatures, from the teeming kingdoms of humankind to hidden colonies of secretive creatures whose total population numbers no more than a few dozen. Of the many races on Toril, only a dozen or so account for ninety percent of the planet's total population. Humans are by far the most numerous and successful of Toril's major races and are a young and vigorous race of kingdom-builders, merchants, wizards, and clerics whose crowded cities are scattered across the world.
  Although the time of the elder races is past, the world is filled with wonders of stone, wood, and magic wrought by the elves and the dwarves at the height of their power. Grim dwarven citadels filled with the clamor of industry, and graceful elven cities resembling spun glass still stand, even as the human dominion grows year by year. The halflings and the gnomes never commanded the power of the dwarves or the elves, and have seemingly adapted to the rise of humankind, and even prospered. Both the halflings and the gnomes have established their own communities across human-dominated lands.
  Many other civilized folk shares Toril with the major races: centaur and fey roam the great northern forests, while merfolk rule vast underwater domains in the warm seas of the south. Less civilized folk, such as the savage orcs, goblinoids, and ogres all have their own lands that they lay claim to.  
Known as the City of Splendors, Waterdeep is one of the largest cities in the north and is certainly the most cosmopolitan city in Faerûn. Located along the Sword Coast, Waterdeep boasts an excellent deep-water harbor, a wise ruling council, a tolerant populous, and a strong tradition of magic. Here spacefaring traders are welcomed, even embraced, although a spelljamming vessel is required by law to land miles out to sea before sailing into the harbor so as to minimize the risk of mass panic. Waterdeep imports magic items of all types, while exporting utilitarian magic items, such as everfull casks, food products, and clean water. Reasonably priced metal products are also big sellers, either in bulk or as special orders.  
Selûne was Toril’s largest satellite. It was assumed to be a dark and desolate place.

Type: Planet

Orbital Distance: 200 Million Miles

Day Length: 24 Hrs

Year Length: 365 Days


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