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  Zalantar is an enchanting and mystical tree that is named for its mesmerizing and captivating appearance. The tree's trunk is thick and sturdy, with a rough, textured bark that glows with a brilliant, bright gold color. As the tree grows, it begins to split off into several branches, each one growing outwards and upwards in a spiral pattern. The branches of the tree are also adorned with leaves that glow with a bright gold hue, creating an awe-inspiring display of shimmering light and color.   The glowing bark and leaves of the tree help to attract pollinators and other insects, which help to fertilize the tree and ensure its continued growth and survival. A highly resilient and adaptable tree Zalantar is able to thrive in a wide range of conditions. Its deep roots are able to draw sustenance from even the most arid and nutrient-poor soils, and its sturdy trunk is able to withstand even the most intense winds and weather.  


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