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Gruff Shadowstalker

The Silent Retribution Gruff Shadowstalker (a.k.a. Whispering Death)

Gruff Shadowstalker, a formidable Bugbear Rogue, is a daunting figure with fur as dark as the veil of night, his silhouette a whisper of fear in the hearts of the unjust. His eyes, a cold burn of resolve, reveal a fierce intelligence that has weathered many storms of treachery and emerged sharper. In the cloak of shadows, he's an avenger, his daggers dancing deadly tunes of justice. His name has become a tale of dark reverence in the obscure circles of Thornfield, an enigma that haunts the oppressors. Gruff's rugged exterior belies a fiercely loyal heart, bound to the principle of defending the defenseless, a rogue code etched in the cold blades he carries. His presence is a quiet storm, a rogue’s tale whispered in fearful awe, his legacy forged in the stealthy sweep of his daggers through the dark veil of vengeance. In the deafening silence of the Underdark, as the shackles bind his resolve, each silent beat of his heart echoes through the cold chains, a rhythmic promise of retribution that awaits the shroud of darkness that dared to bind him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gruff is a towering figure with a broad, muscular frame that shadows intimidating menace over foes. His fur, a dense cloak of dark mystery, conceals a labyrinth of scars narrating tales of many shadowed confrontations. His limbs are strong, agile, and tuned to the deadly dance of his rogue endeavors.

Body Features

His fur is an abyssal black with streaks of silver, hinting at the many moons he has seen and battles he has weathered. His claws, sharp and well-kept, are as much a tool of his trade as his daggers.

Facial Features

Gruff's face is a stoic mask of resolve, with piercing amber eyes that seem to pierce the veil of deceit, finding the truth that lurks in shadows. His snout is scarred but his sense of smell remains as keen as his instincts.

Identifying Characteristics

Gruff's towering stature and abyssal-black fur make him a distinctive figure among a crowd. His amber eyes, with a gaze as sharp as his daggers, leave a haunting impression on those who meet him. A network of battle scars woven through his fur, each telling tales of silent confrontations and whispered retributions.

Physical quirks

A habitual slight tilt of his head, as if perpetually tuning into the whispers of the shadows. A quiet, almost ghostly agility despite his imposing size, moving with a predator's grace that belies his brutal strength.

Special abilities

Shadow Step: Gruff has honed the ability to meld with shadows, stepping through them to emerge from different points, making him an elusive target and a deadly adversary. Silent Retribution: His mastery in rogue artistry allows him to strike with lethal precision, his attacks a whisper of death leaving foes lifeless before a sound escapes them. Eagle-Eye Perception: Gruff’s keen senses pierce through deceit and darkness, allowing him to perceive traps, hidden foes, or the tremor of fear in a villain’s heart from a distance. Heart of the Underdog: His relentless pursuit of justice fuels him, granting him a fierce resolve that can rally the hearts of the oppressed, igniting a spark of rebellion against tyranny.

Apparel & Accessories

Gruff dons a dark, hooded cloak that melds with his fur, a seamless veil of shadows that embraces him. A series of intricately designed leather sheaths adorn his body, each housing a dagger with hilts of darkened steel and faint runes etched into them. Around his neck, a simple but sturdy cord holds a small, weathered emblem of his clan, a silent tribute to his roots and the justice he seeks for them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gruff Shadowstalker, a name whispered with a mix of fear and respect in the dark alleys and hidden corners of the realm, is a master rogue of a reclusive clan of bugbears from the thicket wilderness of Thornfield. Gruff is a creature of the shadows, with fur as dark as the night and eyes that gleam with a quiet but fierce intelligence. Gruff’s rogue journey began as a quest for justice against those who wronged his clan, his stealth and deadly precision with daggers became the unseen hand of vengeance. Over time, his lore grew beyond the wild thicket, as did his mission to protect the oppressed and avenge the wronged. The complex tapestry of justice led him into the deadly silence of the Underdark, pursuing a band of ruthless Drow slavers who had captured innocents from neighboring villages.

Gender Identity

Gruff identifies as male and embodies a rugged, silent masculinity that doesn’t bow to the stereotypical bravado often expected. His identity is intertwined with his cause, each scar a mark of his unyielding resolve, each shadowed step a stride towards a world balanced on the scales of justice and retribution.


Gruff's focus on his quest for justice leaves little room for romantic pursuits. However, he is open-minded and bears no judgment towards the diverse spectrums of love and companionship others choose to explore.


His education was forged in the harsh realities of the Underdark, a rogue’s schooling in stealth, survival, and the harsh justice of the blade. His knowledge is a pool of dark experiences, shadowed tales, and the silent teachings of the wild.


Gruff serves as a self-appointed keeper of justice, a shadow that strikes fear into the corrupt and greedy. His employment is the silent contract he holds with the innocents, the oppressed, his payment the satisfaction of seeing justice served cold.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Liberated several oppressed villages from the shackles of corrupt overlords, earning the whispered title of "The Silent Retribution." Mastered the rogue art of shadow-stepping, a feat acknowledged even among the elders of his secluded clan. Single-handedly dismantled a notorious slavers' ring operating in the fringes of the Underdark, setting free countless innocents from a fate worse than death.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Gruff's profound failures was being unable to protect a group of innocents from a band of Drow slavers which led him to the unforgiving clutches of the Underdark. His failure haunts him, a silent scream in the abyss of his resolve.

Mental Trauma

The trauma of failure has forged a silent storm of vengeance in his heart. His nights are often haunted by the faces of those he couldn't save, each visage a whispering haunt that fuels his relentless pursuit of justice. His trauma has moulded him into a specter of resolve, a shadow that seeks to balance the scales, his rogue heart hiding a haunting echo of the unheard cries for help.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gruff possesses a sharp, tactical mind, capable of analyzing complex situations swiftly to determine the most advantageous course of action. Despite his daunting exterior, he holds a deep respect for knowledge and the ancient lore of his land, often delving into the stories of old to find wisdom for the present. He has a knack for reading individuals, a skill honed in countless confrontations, enabling him to gauge the measure of friend or foe with a mere glance.

Morality & Philosophy

Gruff abides by a rogue’s code of honor, where the scales of justice should always tip in favor of the innocent and oppressed. He believes in direct action, often taking matters into his own hands to right the wrongs, his philosophy is simple - to be the shadowed hope in a world often too consumed by greed and power. His own code of ethics often puts him at odds with the law, but to Gruff, justice is a higher call than any decree forged in the halls of the corrupt.


For Gruff, betraying trust and exploiting the innocent are unforgivable sins. He harbors a deep loathing for slavers, corrupt nobles, and anyone who preys upon the helpless.

Personality Characteristics


His prime motivation is to provide justice to those who cannot defend themselves, and to dismantle the structures of oppression that darken the lives of the innocent. Every shadowed step he takes is a stride towards a world where hope isn't a mere whisper in the dark.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gruff is adept at reading situations quickly, stealth maneuvers, and delivering swift, decisive strikes against adversaries. His survival instincts are honed to a razor's edge, making him a formidable foe in the lethal dance of the Underdark. However, he often struggles with diplomacy and subtlety in social situations. His blunt honesty and intolerance for deceit can make negotiations tense.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Honesty, quiet nights under the open sky, the thrill of a well-executed plan, and the soft whisper of a blade through the air. Dislikes: Deception, slavers, oppression, and the suffocating stench of cowardice that lingers in the halls of power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Gruff embodies loyalty, courage, and a relentless pursuit of justice. His word is his bond, and once given, he will move heaven and earth to uphold it. His resilience in the face of adversity is a beacon of hope to those around him. His keen senses and lethal combat skills are invaluable in a group, making him a reliable ally in any confrontation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gruff's intolerance for injustice can blind him to potential risks, leading him into traps or untenable situations. His solitary nature and wariness in forming attachments can sometimes isolate him from others, making it a lonely path he treads. He carries the weight of past failures with him, a silent burden that can sometimes cloud his judgment or fuel a ruthless streak against those he deems evil.

Personality Quirks

Gruff has a habit of sharpening his daggers when in deep thought, the rhythmic whetstone against the blade is his melody of contemplation. He also has a soft spot for the underdogs, often going out of his way to lend a helping hand, his rough exterior hiding a noble heart.


Gruff maintains a level of cleanliness that is functional and pragmatic. His fur is regularly groomed to prevent any hindrance in battle, and his weapons are kept in impeccable condition. However, he isn't overly concerned with appearances and is comfortable with the rugged, battle-worn image he projects.


Religious Views

Gruff holds a form of animistic belief, revering the spirits of the wild and the ancient, unseen forces that govern the world. He pays homage to these forces through quiet rituals and respects the balance of nature, even amidst the chaos of his quests for justice.

Social Aptitude

Gruff is often seen as a lone wolf, his towering presence and piercing gaze can be intimidating to those around him. However, among those he trusts, he shows a level of camaraderie and loyalty that is unyielding. He isn’t the most eloquent speaker, preferring the language of action over words.


Gruff often carries a stern, serious demeanor, his expressions betraying little of what churns beneath. He has a habit of scrutinizing his surroundings meticulously, a rogue's habit of always seeking the hidden truths lurking in the shadows.

Hobbies & Pets

Gruff has a solitary companion, a raven named Shadow, whose silent presence and sharp eyes are a comforting constant in his turbulent world. When not on a mission, he enjoys honing his combat skills and exploring the uncharted pockets of the wilderness, always in pursuit of sharpening his instincts and learning from the ancient whispers of the wild.


His speech is succinct, each word carrying the weight of thought and resolve. His voice, a deep, gravelly tone, resonates with the untamed spirit of his cause, often leaving a lasting impression on those who hear him speak. His words, though few, are always impactful, delivering the essence of his beliefs and intentions with a clarity that is as sharp as his blades.

Gruff Shadowstalker, the feared yet revered Bugbear Rogue, is a master of shadows whose name echoes through the dark alleys of Thornfield as a harbinger of justice.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Jet Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7ft 6in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Justice is a shadow, it follows the truth." "In a realm of deceit, a blade of truth is the only light." "Silence is the echo of justice served."
Known Languages
Gruff can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.

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