Hrólfr Village
This is the home of the Scandinavian Wolf Tribe of Guardians. Located in the mountains of Norway and using a little of their own magic, they are hidden from outsiders.
All are Guardians who belong to the Wolf Clan
The leader is the strongest wolf. Lord Odin has led the tribe for a long time. The people of the village all work together to keep the village running.
The defense of the village is left to the mountain range and the magic that turns unwanted visitors around if they wander too closely.
Industry & Trade
They may trade with other tribes and clans of Guardians in their area. Their best trade partner is the Bear Clan and Eagle Clan who reside in the same mountains.
They typically build log cabins for the harsh winter and boats to take advantage of the lake nearby.
The location is protected by a mountain range on all sides. There is a small freshwater lake that gives them access to water and fish. It is a beautiful area especially during the summer when all the wildflowers are in bloom.
Cool breezes and warm {not hot} weather during the summer months. Freezing temps and blizzards during the winter.
Natural Resources
Wood from nearby forests, metals and ore from the mountains, hare, goat, and sheep who dwell nearby are food.
In the hundreds.