'Radial Crown' Flight


It is thought that the group was a subset of the Solar Dragonflight or a specific family grouping of solar dragons. Most dragons that were attributed to the group showed similar traits to one another such as dark golden scales, large horns radiating out from the back of their heads, and similar scarification on their faces and necks. The group has been depicted in human era artwork quite frequently, and in writings where they are mentioned, said to be extremely vicious, territorial, and almost always having offspring with their adults.   Perhaps what the group is most well known for is their tendency to hunt humans and other humanoids as a food source, though records solely exist from human sources and are likely to be extremely biased. Once painting, of which the original is lost but several copies exist in museums around the world, "Radiant Mother feeding her children" is thought to depict one of the few images of a Radiant Crown dragon feeding the body of a human man to her hatchlings amidst the rubble of a human settlement. It is thought that the Radial Crown grouping was hunted to extinction by humans, and their true names are unknown, as Solar Flight records do not mention a group by any similar name. By and large, the consensus is that human beings gave the group their name, and they may be one of many flights that existed in the past and died out before the current age.


The Radial Crown Flight was hunted to extinction some time during the Human Era by humans.
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