Aura Dyes


These dyes have a variety of uses, the most common being for training in spell and magic use. As aura is invisible to some races, it can be difficult for them when using magic to track exactly where their aura is. The dyes solve this problem by making the aura visible, allowing magic users to see it easily and be able to manipulate their aura in a much more controlled manner as a training tool. The dyes also see use outside of this, occasionally being used for tracking particular people after spell usage, or tracking where a spell has been cast.   In many magic based competitions, aura dyes are used as a visual aid for better performances, especially in combat oriented circuits. They can allow for much easier judging and make fouls less likely, as they can be easily seen. The entertainment industry also makes extensive use of aura dyes in a variety of ways- Often, they are used in television and film to make the actor's aura visible to cameras for scenes during magic use without needing extremely expensive lenses and specialty cameras, though can be used for the opposite effect, using black dyes to hide the aura from cameras known to pick it up in dark scenes.   The dyes do not last long, typically around 20 to 30 minutes in optimal conditions. High winds and dry air can make the dyes drop out of the aura more quickly, while humid conditions will make it last longer. Once no longer suspended in the aura, the dye will scatter on the ground and can be swept up and reused or discarded.
Access & Availability
Common / Unrestricted Substance
Aura dyes are a powdered pigment that can be suspended in a person's aura physically. They are extremely simple both in function and use.


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