Blind (Solar)

A form of solar magic, used to blind targets.


Solar Blind can be used to blind a target or targets, removing their sense of sight for a period of time.

Side/Secondary Effects

Repeated use of the spell can result in permanent blindness in the target, or if cast incorrectly, in the caster themself. Damage to one's eyesight is common in those who have fought the solar dragonflight.


This spell manifests as a bright flash of light in the target(s)'s eyes, temporarily or permanently removing their sense of sight. It can cause a burning sensation and intense pain if done by powerful casters such as dragons.


The Sun
Related Deity/Higher Power
Applied Restriction
This spell, outside of the Solar Dragonflight, is extremely illegal to use and considered a form of torture. Those who do use it can be jailed or even killed, depending on their usage.


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