

This condition is caused by a genetic defect that causes genes affecting scale and horn growth to be overactive.


The Bristleback condition presents with extremely thick scales, generally along the spine and backs of the wings, often causing scales to 'pinecone' due to their density and growing under one another. Horns, spines, and other ornamentation is commonly affected in those with the condition, growing much faster than that of other dragons and much larger than is considered normal. Those with the condition may occasionally have ingrown scales and require their horns to be trimmed much more frequently due to their weight. Shedding old scales may be difficult by oneself and require specialists to assist, but other negative symptoms are rarely seen.

Cultural Reception

As the condition rarely has negative impacts on health, it is one of few birth defects in dragons that is not treated negatively. Those with the condition have a unique appearance, in many circles being seen as unique and beautiful.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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