Death's Bloom

A small, carpeting flower similar in appearance to cornflowers, although more purple in color. They only grow in soils where Shia and Mora have battled, a result of the potent energies of life and death magic mixing. Unassuming in appearance these flowers have a curious effect on undead of all kinds when ingested, allowing them to eat, drink, and feel as the living do for a period of time. They are highly sought after, with a highly concentrated oil by the same name sold across Terra for this purpose. Death's Bloom, as it has no ill effects on the living, is also a popular tea, usually served during Shia’s festival.

Basic Information


Death's Bloom is a small flower about an inch across when in full bloom growing in soil where the blood of Shia and Mora was shed. They have long stems, tipped by full flowers deep purple in color. A single plant can have up to 15 flowers shooting from the base. It has thin, blade like leaves, growing in a circular pattern around the stems.

Biological Traits

Death's Bloom is unique in that when consumed by the undead, they can taste and digest foods as the living do. This makes them highly sought after and prized, with wide scale cultivation of the plant done as much as possible when a wild population is discovered. Teas, oils, and salads made from the flowers are commonly created, and as the flower has no ill effects on the living, are often served during Shia's festival.

Genetics and Reproduction

Death's Bloom is a hermadrophic plant, producing both male and female flowers. A single plant can self pollinate, producing offspring with itself. Their pollen is often carried by flying insects and birds to other areas, pollinating others of its kind and allowing it to seed. A pollinated flower will grow a small bulb at its base and the flower will fall, and as the stem dries, open the seed pit. The seeds will scatter across the ground, and begin growing into new plants almost immediately.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fast growing, a plant can mature from seed to fully formed in a matter of weeks. Upon maturity, Death's Bloom will begin flowering until the first frost, producing seeds and offspring.

Ecology and Habitats

Death's Bloom can only grow in areas where the Gods of Life and Death have battled, growing in soils where their blood has spilled and their magics combined. This results in patches of Death's Bloom spread across large areas, or large pools of them where one of the gods had died. As they cannot survive in soil not affected by the magic of the gods, they are protected in wild ranges, and highly sought after.

Biological Cycle

A perennial plant, Death's Bloom will 'die back' in the winter and go into hibernation and reemerge in the spring. They will bloom from late spring to the beginning of fall, continuously producing flowers until the first frost.
Magical in Origin
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
50-80 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Death's Bloom are a deep purple in their flowers, and with lively green stems and leaves.
Geographic Distribution


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