Depleted Aura Sickness


This state is caused by the complete and total depletion of a person's Aura, usually caused by rapid and high power spell usage. It cannot be spread to others and only effects the singular individual.


Headaches, anxiety, brief periods of depression, lack of energy and motivation, and uncharacteristically shy behavior are all commonly caused by aura depletion, usually subsiding after a day or two at most. These symptoms can be quite severe despite their short term and are not to be taken lightly, as actions taken as a result of the symptoms may have much longer lasting effects. Those who already suffer from anxiety or depression are particularly hard hit by the symptoms, especially by a lack of motivation and energy that can cause the individual to not eat, drink, or care for themselves for the duration.


Treatment for a depleted aura and the sickness that follows is simple, as time is the most effective remedy alongside treatment of the symptoms themselves. Individuals with depleted auras are strongly suggested to take one to three days off from all work and cease all magic use during this time. Dimming the lights and taking mild over the counter painkillers is highly recommended alongside staying away from all loud sounds for the headaches, and most doctors recommend to try and keep in touch with loved ones as way of keeping depression at bay. It is also important for individuals suffering from the sickness caused by aura depletion to have someone they trust nearby and ready to assist them if needed.

Affected Groups

Frequent magic users, particularly those who participate in sport and competition, are particularly vulnerable to aura depletion due to the constant pressure to use bigger, more powerful, and flashier spells for events. It is also particularly prevalent in soldiers, mercenaries, and doctors who make use of magic as well, as often using the last of one's aura can mean the difference between life and death, if not for themselves, but a patient or member of their group.


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