
A spell only known through myth and legend, thought to have put an end to the war between the gods and dragons by the mere mention of its name. Some blame the ice age following the The War of Black Ash on a failed execution of it. It is unknown if this spell truly exists or where it originates if it does, and most believe it to be a mere myth or hoax meant to keep warmongers in line or forever searching for it.


The spell is said to cause a runaway effect of freezing anything it comes into contact with, and sapping the energy from it to further fuel its spread. Anything caught in the grasp of this spell dies, with no chance of escape, and never to thaw again. Supposedly, the spell makes anything it touches reach absolute zero.


Extinction is said to cause a halo to burst forth from the user's chest that quickly devours their life energy to use as fuel, sucking all heat out of anything it comes into contact with. Frost and ice manifest as it spreads, killing anything it touches with no chance of revival- Those afflicted with it cannot be saved, even by the Gods of Life and Death. Extinction is so cold, perhaps absolute zero, not even ghosts can escape to limbo, as they too are frozen in place.   There is said to be no limit to the spell, as it consumes the energy of anything it touches, and will continue to spread no matter what. Although it may look like a form of ice magic, it is truly a powerful death magic, and thus not held at bay by fire spells at all, and will only consume their energy to spread further.


Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Gestures & Ritual
All methods of using this spell are unknown. It is thought that the mere creation of it was too dangerous to stay in the world, and so Shia, the God of Death, had all known users of it slain alongside those who had any knowledge of its existence.


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